Chapter 25: One Day....

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Slightly triggering...

***Gabbie's POV***

"Aren't you going to eat, Gab?" Louis question as he referred to the uneaten sandwich in front of me.

I forced a smile at how sweetly he asked," no, I'm not hungry."

"Are you sure?" Gabby asked as she puts her PB&J sandwich on the messy, wrinkled napkin. "I haven't seen you eaten anything today."

"Well, I guess it's just because I'm still grieving for Peyton and Ang." A partial lie. I am grieiving for my friends, but I don't want to eat.

I can't. I can't force myself to do something I don't want to, even though it concerns my health.

The truth is eating me up, just like my insecurities. I know I shouldn't let those words get to me, but I can't help it. I just can't. It's natural. I can't help it if there are people better than me. I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand when everything's made ro be broken. I just want them to know who I am. Them, referring to the people close to me.

Do I consider Vinny one of those people? Of course. I mean he knows a lot about me before we even met because of we always constantly kik each other. But for now, I'll try to let him in. I'll try to let him break down my walls.

"Excuse me," I politely said. I pushed myself off the stool and headed out of the small, hospital cafeteria. 

I sat myself in one of the uncomfortable seats in the waiting room as I crossed my legs. I bit down on the nail of my thumb to stop a shaky breath passing through my slightly chapped lips.

The waiting room smells like medicine and slightly like puke. I don't honestly care, it is a hospital. But it was humid, maybe from the amount of people weeping that caused the air to be stuffy and damp. 

I bet some people think I'm like them; grieving. I kinda am, but I'm not grieiving for Peyton or Ang, as selfish as that sounds. I'm grieving because I don't think I can be 'cured'. They say 'It gets easier', but they lied. My sadness has become an addition. When I'm not sad, I feel lost. I start to panic trying to find my way back which leads me back to my original state: sadness.

"Hey," I heard Vinny whisper as I saw him in the corner of my eye sit next in the seat on my left.

"Hi," I muttered back.

One day I'll be pretty.

One day I'll be smart.

One day I'll be loved.

And still be true to myself.

One day I'll be pretty

One day I'll be smart

One day I'll be loved-

"Stop, Gabbie, stop," Vinny sternly said before his rough hands reached mine.

I didn't even pull away. I just let him intertwin his fingers with mine, but still, I avoided his eyes. Knowing that if I dared to look into them I'll break down. 

"Stop," he repeated, but this time in a broken mumble. "Look at me, please."

But I still held my ground. He could hold my hands, but I am not looking at him. I can't. I won't. I know he'll leave me.

Someone like him isn't meant to stay with someone like me. One day he'll find a girl and he'll lover her to death. She'll be the center of his world and the reason for his breath. They'll be together for years and he'll tell her all the things you ever needed to hear. But what really stings is that they'll get married and I'll probably cry when I find out, because she took the only thing that I called home.

I was somehow snapped out of my thoughts by his soft lips pressed gently against mine. I don't know why, maybe because I needed comfort, but, I kissed him back. The kiss was tender and sweet, I was even crying. 

He pulled away and held my face as he used his thumbs to brush the lumps of tears away. "Please don't get tired of me. It happens everytime. People lose interest in me. They get tired of me. Suddenly, they don't bother hitting me up anymore. The conversations become shorter. They forget about me and I just become a distant memory. I wonder if it's my fault sometimes. But then I realize that people I want to stay in my life, never do. And there's nothing I can do about it. I want us to be ok, Gabrielle. I really do. I want to go back to our stupid conversations on Kik. We're both broken, so we might as well comfort each other."

"Vinny, I don't know what you're talking about. I - I'm fine."

A chuckle left him, but it was bitter," bullshit Gabbie. I know you're not. I know you're starving yourself. Do you not think that I haven't noticed that you're much paler and thinner?"

"How do you-"

"Like I said, I want us to be ok. I miss you."

And that's when I decided that I need to end it with my boyfriend, and let Vincent Castronovo be my savior.

Sorry I haven't been updating. I just had writer's block. So, guess what:

This story is almost done!

I know this isn't the best, I'm not proud of it either.

But I might be starting a new 2b1 story or a Vinny one or a Nick M one. IDK

Oh and I decided that the app they're using is Kik. I'm an idiot cos I just decided.

Much Love Guys.



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