A Friendly Offer

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"Braith! You cheated!" Accused the frail Redguard boy with a wide grin, laughter lines in the folds near his eyelids.

The Redguard child opposite to the other hopped over a large stone blocking her path. "Did not! You're just too plain slow." Ignorantly she kicked at the sand on the ground and snickered ruefully when Cabaro began to cough violently, dust particles zooming both inward and out of his nostrils at the same time.

Waving at the air with one hand Cabaro could only giggle along with her between fits of unpleasant sneezing.

"Gross!" Braith glanced around the bustling market and upon noticing a calmly grazing cow in the patch of grass beside one of the village huts nearby, grew inspired in hopes of a nasty prank.

Turning to Cabaro she sneered and poked him hard in the chest with a slender finger. "Let's go knock the cow over!" Hissing in excitement she began clambering the stone stairs for the paddock that enclosed the livestock, her dark braided hair blowing against the breeze as loose strands flailed about.

Upon hearing this, two other Nord children excitably followed to join in the games.

Gingerly Cabaro placed one foot on the first stone step, contemplating his options.

Hesitation took over and Cabaro stiffened. Of course, it would be funny...but father wouldn't be pleased with that foolishness. Father thought games a waste of time. Sighing heavily, he turned his cheek and stalked away from the stairs, instead heading towards the shops and past the market place.

Wincing suddenly, he realized Braith had noticed his disappearance and could just barely hear her insult from afar.

"See? I knew he couldn't do it. He's nothing but a little ol' milk drinker!" Children laughing.

Shoving his small fingers into his baggy, poorly stitched pockets he walked hunched and head lowered, muttering and mumbling nothings to no one but himself.

Being only ten years old was so unfair.

Combing his well greased and sleek raven hair with his dirt encrusted fingertips, he picked at a scab from a small incident involving Braith and wrinkled his nose in distaste when a small portion of fresh blood poured from the newly opened wound.

His stroll led him to to the Warmaiden's, near the entrance to the capital. Slowing, it crossed his mind that he had never seen a piece of armoury crafted. This might be amusing.

Slowly he advanced upon Adrianne Avenicci, the skilled blacksmith and married daughter of Proventus Avenicci, the Jarl Balgruuf's steward.

Leaning against a sturdy wooden beam his eyes focussed curiously on the piece of steel armour Adrianne was forging. Peeking from behind the beam, he could catch only the slightest glimpse of the metal. Gauntlets, by the looks of it.

Turning slightly Adrianne now had her back to him, and what had been visible was now the impossible to see.

Boredom ensued and Cabaro grew far too impatient to wait for her to turn once again. With silent footfalls, he reached for the next beam for a better view. Cabaro was foolish in his decision, however, and neglected to notice the tanned leather heap on the ground at his feet.

Tumbling forwards, Cabaro yelped and thwacked his head hard on the next beam, his feet caught in the midst of the leather.

Adrianne immediately set down her tools and whirled to face the clumsy child. Grasping an oily cloth she brought it back and forth along her hands, wiping off the grease and the ashes. Shaking her blonde head she watched in amusement when he didn't pick himself up off the stone ground, rubbing his forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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