Chapter 01

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The bell rang, signaling the end of the school year. I got up, along with the rest of my classmates, and bolted to the door. I slammed the entrance doors of the school open and ran towards a large park. My wavy brown hair dances across my back with every step and my hazel brown eyes took in my surroundings. I sat under a large oak tree that i've known of since i was a kid. My arms wrapped around my legs as i thought about what is to come. One. I'm going to be taken away for the mate choosing ceremony. Two. If i get chosen, my family will never see me again and vice versa. Three. The guy who will choose me could be a royal. 'Ring-Ring' my phone blares across the quiet field. I quickly place the phone to my ear but almost immediately regret it. "Lane, where are you?! The gaurds are here, ready to take you!" My sister, Riley, yelled into the phone. I look down at my wrist watch and see that its 4:13 pm. I've been here for two hours!

"Sorry, I lost track of time. I'll be right there." I hang up and sprint to my house up the hill and a few blocks down. Riley is twenty-two and was chosen as a mate to Floyd Kale, a gentleman really, in her first year at the ceremony. We werewolves have this ceremony every year called 'The Mate Choosing Ceremony'. This ceremony lasts one day and is when the unmated male wolfs from all across the country visit the royal palace, where they choose a mate to live with and protect for the rest of their lives. All unmated females from the ages eighteen and up are required to attend this traditional event. Unfortunately for me, I turned eighteen last month. Every other eighteen year old girl is ecstatic to be going and finding a mate. I however, can't seem to think past all the stories i've heard since a child of girls being abused by their mates. Especially by the males that are of royalty.

I arrive at home and fling the door open, quietly. In the living room, my sister sits on an arm rest with Floyd and is making conversation with the gaurds. I run up the stairs and into my room before they could notice me, where I open my book bag, remove the books and shovel some valuables into it. Looking over at my desk where my jewellery box normal is, I grab it and remove the lid in search for my silver charm bracelet, that my deceased parents gave me on my ninth birthday. Every year after that, til my twelfth birthday, they gave me a charm to add to it. They died a few weeks before my thirteenth birthday in a car accident. After that, I lived with my aunt and uncle unil my sister was chosen as a mate. I clasp the bracelet on my left wrist, grab my bag and run down into the living room. The gaurds, uniforms and all , get up from the couch and walk over to me. They both grab my forearm and yank me out of the door. "Let me go! Can't I say my good-byes first?" I struggle in their steel like grip.

"No. You were supposed to be there half an hour ago and now we're late." One of them states.

Tears stream down my face as my body is pushed into a black SUV. Both guards sit on either side of me as the car starts and pulls out of the driveway. I bury my face in my hands and sob as we move further and further away from my home and sister that I may never see again. Ever. "How long is the ride to the palace?" My voice comes out raspy.

"A day at most. Probably less with Banes driving." The man to my left snickers.

"Wake up. We're here." Someone by me ordered. I ignored them and snuggled deeper into my pillow. Then the memories cleared up in my mind. My eyes shoot open and I sprung into a sitting position. My once pillow was now a man with a smirk on his face. "We're here." I step out of the vehicle and look around me with my mouth ajar. In front of me was a three story, red brick mansion. The guards walked me up the small set of stairs to the large, wooden double sided doors with beautifully carved flowers on them. The doormen stood to the side with their backs straight. When i was three feet away from the door, they pulled it open in unison. Inside was the most beautiful foyer i had ever seen. It was just an open space with a gold and crème colour scheme. It had marble flooring with a large 'T' written in cursive with reddish-brown coloured marbled. There was a small balcony that hung on top where someone from the second floor could look down. There were two corridors that were placed in an angle in front of me. The guards led me down the right one as i fawned over the decorative interior.

We climbed some stairs, walked down a few halls and ball rooms before we stood in front of a long pair of wooden doors with guards/doormen on either side. Like last time, they opened the doors and inside was a large room with couches and chairs everywhere, similar to what you would see in a hotel lobby but with pillars. Girls my age and older were sitting in groups, gossiping with an occasional gasp. Not one of them turned as i enterd. We walked passed an archway and into a long but wide hall with arounnd a hundred door going down either side. Halfway down, the gaurds left after showing me my room on the right. "This is your room until the event passes." The door to the room was labeled 46. I gulped before turning the knob and entering. The room was a moderate size but held utmost beauty. It had a large window with white curtains hung up fancily. There was a queen sized bed with light gold and white sheets, a dresser and a desk. To top it all off the bathroom was half the size of the room and was made with dark brown granite. "Wow."

I place my bag on the chair at the desk and face planted onto the bed. It was so soft! Just as i was going to doze off, a knock came at my door. I groan. 'Don't answer it. They might go away.' my wolf Lev said to me. 'Knock-Knock.' 'Knock-Knock.' 'Knock-Knock.' Ugh! Unwillingly, my body uses the last bit of energy it has to walk to the door and open it. "Lay, you're here!" Juliet, my best friend, engulfs me in a bear hug. My eyes widen as I process what's happening. She pulls away and I look her over. Her long blonde hair was pinned back and her baby blue eyes watched me. She was wearing a white flare dress which was beautiful compared to my blue jeans and long sleeved black t-shirt. Yep, she hasn't changed.

"Hey Jules. How's life?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Well nothing much. Just living in a palace with royals for a day before going off to live with my future mate. You know, the normal stuff." Her voice is laced with sarcasm.


"You're kidding me right? This -" She moves her hands around the air, indicating the palace, "-has no effect of you? At all?"

"Nope." She enters the room and closes the door.

"You should be happy! You're going to meet your mate tomorrow who will love you and protect you to the ends of the earth! She twirls around, as if she's in a fairytale. I give her my famous 'Are you serious?' look. "Don't tell me you haven't thought of someone like that." My expression stays the same. "Well whether you like it or not, you're going to have one."

"That's the thing. I don't want one. Have you forgotten all of the horrible stories? I don't want to end up like one of those poor girls." She takes a seat on my bed as i stand in front of her.

"Be optimistic Lane. You'll have someone who will care for you soon. So think positively about it." She ends the discussion. I let out a huff of air before laying down beside her. Maybe she's right.


Chapter 2 coming soon :)

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