Chapter 03

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All the males were sat in chairs around circular tables in the back yard/field, while one by one, each female was called up on stage from the back. "Lady Lane Palmer." As my name flew out of the hosts mouth, appluads filled the air. I stood frozen to my place. This can't be happening! It's too soon! I take deep breaths and reluctantly walk out onto the stage. I wore a long dress with a sweetheart neckline and an open back. At the top, there were white sequences and cyrstals followed by a band warpped around my waist. The pale blue silk flowing down to the floor made a pool around my silver heels. My hair was curled and put into some really francy braid to the side. I looked down at my hands that fiddled with the charm bracelet I had on. "Eigtheen years old. One older sister. Parents: Deceased. Favourite colour: Red." I look at the host. Favourite colour? How'd they get that information? It it even required? I gave the guy the look bu he just ignored me.

He continued to read facts about me that I didn't even know about myself. When he was finally done, I descended the stairs to the side of the stage before walking to one of the large marquees. The hungry eyes of most of the males were focused on me as I walked across the green foliage. My head was facing the floor as I rushed to get inside and away from everyone. Not looking where I was going, my body collides with a wall. Shaking my head, I move to the side only to bump into it again. Me being me, I get frustrated and look up with an irritated look on my face, which only lasts a few seconds, then turns into a mien of fear, shock and recognition. The wall is a 'he'. 'He' being the Prince. I submit to him and mumble an apology. I move to the side but he mirros my action and I walk into him again. I move the other direction and he moves as well and once again, I crash into him. My brows pull together and I turn around, about to walk away, when something warm clasps my wrist, twirls me around and pulls me into a broad chest. I look up and see the Prince's face a mere inch away from mine. "Beautiful you are." His arms wrap around my waist and tightens. Unaware of my surroundings during this confrontation, I observe my enviornment and see every pare of eyes focusing on us.

Prince Trench released me from his arms but not from his sight. He had his hand at the small of my back to represent his clam. Me. Out of all the hundreds of women here, he just had to choose me. I can make a list of all my imperfections and yet, he still chooses me.  Sorry to say this but, the Prince is an idiot. There are females here with more curves and some who are much thinner than me but he decides: me. Why me?! I've tried to get away from him using excuses like 'I need to use the bathroom' or even 'I'm going to make a priavte call to my dying half-grandfather' but nope, he just waits for me. Ugh!

It was now 9:00 pm and to no surprise, Mr. Stalker has yet to move from his place besides me. This whole time he didn't even converse with me, although he would drag me to other royals and chat with them. The males were now surrounding the large stage, where all the females stood... except for me. When the Alpha King called all the females to the stage, I was ready to lave the Prince, but he didn't let me. He said something about 'not wanting the other males to look at me.' Possessive much?

So now, I stood to the back of the stage with 'prince charming'. His hand was still on the small of my back making me want to inch away, and whenever I did, he would give out a warning growl. The King was on the stage at the front, speaking into the microphone. "Thank you all for being present at our 127th annuel Mate Choosing Ceremony. After the long hours of the day, where you had the chance to talk with the unmated females of our society, it is finally time to choose." His voice blared through the speakers, "My son will be the first to choose. He actually has already chosen who he'd like at the beginning of the ceremony." Prince Trench wraps his arms around my waist tightly so that I am squished against his side. He pulls me around and onto the stage in front of the male population.

My eyes widen as I see everyone bowing their heads, including the woman behind us. Realization just slapped me in the face. I'm going to be the queen. "Please allow me to introduce you all to his mate, Lane Palmer, and your future Luna Queen. . . Your future Luna Queen . . . The words kept repeating in my head as I started to sway. The next thing I see is the ground getting closer as my vision darkens. Then I'm out like a light.

Muffled voices fill my ears as I slowly gained back consciousness. My eyelids flutter open and the uninvited light, blinds my vision. I flip to my side and block the ungodly sight from my view. The voices start to clear up and get louder. Something warm grabs my hand as the ground dips. Ground dips? I try to open my eyes again but this time, one at a time. I open up my left lid to make sure nothing is going to stab me in the eyes before I open the right one.

I lay on a King sized bed in a big, big room. The room had the normal necessities like a dresser, closet (walk in), and a bathroom that followed a royal red colour scheme. My hands were held tightly by even larger and stronger ones. My eyes moved up the hands, to the arms, shoulders and lastly the face. I met dark blue orbs that stared back at me. The Prince. I pull my hand away from his and back up until I meet the head board. My breathing quickens as he gets closer to me. I try and push away further but the wall is in the way. A deep growl comes from the back of his throat. I shut my eyes, awaiting his wrath, but it never came. He pushes me down onto the bed and his breath curls on my face, making me go numb. I wimper. "Open your eyes please." He says softly. I don't want to but I'd like to keep my neck on my shoulders.

I open my eyes, but turn my head to the side, still afraid of him. He sighs. "Please d-don't h-hurt me-e sir." I let out between whimpers. He grabs my chin roughly and turns my head so that our noses brush against each other.

"Call me Felix and I would never hurt you." He deadpans. "So don't you ever say or think that again." I quickly nod. What's that supposed to mean? Should I trust him? After all, he did claim me as his mate but he's also are royal and they are known for being hostile. Coming back to civilization, I wonder how I ended up here.

"What happened?" He studies my face for a minute.

"You passed out aftee the choosing and I brought you to my room." My eyes widen.

"How long have I-" I didn't get to finish as he cut me off.

"Fifteen hours. We've been waiting for you to wake up." Only then had I realised that we weren't the only ones in the room. There, standing by the entrance of the room, stood the King and Queen. I jump off the bed and immediately bow my head. The King chortles.

"Please, stand up. There is no need for you to bow downto us anymore. For you will take on the position as Queen soon." My back straightens when he mentions the one thing that got me here. My head starts to get fuzzy and I flump, but instead of onto the ground, into a person. No doubt in it being Felix. He lays me down on the bed. Both the King and Queen walk to stand by their son, looking down at me.

"I guess she's still not well. We will have to let you two speak privately." The Queens says. She starts to drag the King out but all of a sudden, she turns around. "Oh, I almost forgot. My name's Delinda and this is my husband Gail." She closes the door.


I have just finished making a trailer on this story so please make sure to check it out :) The trailer is at the top

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