Chapter 08

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I dedicate this chapter to all of you that took the time to comment on my work.It truly made my day every day. I wanted to write something that would have youall at the edge of your seats wanting to know what was to come and came up with the following chapter. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Third Person Point of View

As the morning sun had risen from beneath the horizon, so did the people of the land. Farmers began to pluck the ripe fruit off the trees, business men were sealing deals, morning lovers dining out early. It was the circle of life. Something that was seen in the day to day life of a pack member. Wolves awoke just before sunrise and set out to begin the day. What's the saying... 'the early bird gets the worm?' And that was exactly their intentions. Alphas begun their day with paperwork before attending their meetings. But today was different. Not following the daily schedules.

As Lane and Felix were fast asleep in the comfort of their cabin, chaos struck the royal pack. Rogues. Hundreds of them filed onto the large clearing where the young and the old shook with fear. The guards ran out of their homes, some leaving their mates behind, to take control of the situation. The Alpha king and the Luna queen both were supposed to be escorted away from the palace but refused. They were not going to leave their pack vulnerable to those who wished for them to fall into pits of fire.

They stepped onto the clearing where guards stood ready with silver bullets, some already shifted and pack members held captive by rogues of all gender and sizes. He stood tall in front of the large mass with another shortly behind. The king looked deadly as they had a stare off, daring one another to break the silence first. The air was tense for a minute when the king gave in, "Who are you?" he spit distastefully.

"Silos. I'm sure you've heard of me." The man with pearly whites grinned smugly. Silos was indeed known not just by the king but most if not all the packs. He is the leader of the rogues and known for his loyalty towards them but not the packs, especially the alphas. "Anyways, i'm here to check out the prince's mate. I've heard a lot about her and wish to have a word with her."

"You've come at the wrong time. Now, what is it that you really want?" The king questions skeptically. Silos just laughs and turns around walking away. Just before he disappears into the shadows of the woods, he turns back, looks at the king and smirks.

"I'll be back. Give this to Lane and let her know of my plans to chat with her. Only she is allowed to open it. I give my regards." He drops a small box on the floor and leaves. Silos raises his right hand and the rogues walk backwards into the trees and out of sight.

The king stands still, looking at the small two-by-four box wrapped in brown paper bag and tied off with a scratchy string. The queen comes to stand beside him and wraps an arm around his waist and he visibly relaxes. "Do you have an idea on what it is?" She asks. He shakes his head, not trusting his voice. This visit was new and unexpected to everyone.

Silos was very intelligent when it came to making deals and plotting. He came out of the blue, wanting to speak to Lane knowing that they wouldn't be prepared since he stopped rogue trespassers and attacks in the area for three months. Considering that he had a large number of rogues on his side, he was powerful to say that least. His empire was built from the floor up and it took years. Starting off with seven, he now has over three thousand which is quit large, compared to normal size packs of four hundred.

He became a rogue at the age of sixteen when his foster-parents were brutally slaughtered. Silos can still remember the pattern of which blood was spurred across the room. The royal guards had come in and suspected that it was his doing. They brought him to the king, which took no time in investigating the case and banished him from his pack. Out alone in the woods, Silos found a group of rogues that took him in and cared for him. Until he got his wolf at age eighteen. That was when he formed his own group, starting off with those that raised him, and grew into what it is now at the age of twenty-four.

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