Chapter 1

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      I stare at my reflection of the broken mirror. A dark bruise forming around my emerald eyes. My usual brown wavy hair, messed up crazily from trying to keep my drug addict mother at bay.
I sigh and look at my bleeding knuckles, that are already starting to turn purple from punching the mirror

Greattttt I thought to myself.

I walk over to the counter and open the drawer, grabbing the last bit of bandages I stole from the local shop.

After finishing cleaning and wrapping my knuckles, I walk down the stairs to my living room. I look at my passed out mother, needles surrounding her along with empty beer bottles.

I'm tired of being her care taker. I'm tired of being only 14 years old and having to take care of my mother when it should be the other way around. Not like she actually cares about me.

Suddenly a thought pops into my head.
I have an uncle who lives in Chicago. My uncle Kevin Ball who I haven't seen in 4 years since my mother, his sister, turned into a drug addict.
Ideas flooding my thoughts and ways to leave. It's a two day train ride from Florida to Chicago.
I quickly run to my room upstairs and grab my backpack.

I throw in all my clothes, which wasn't a lot, along with books, my drawing pad and guitar. I made sure I had my flip phone that I stole for myself and my cracked iPod and ear phones.

I get dressed in my combat books, shorts and my tank top, putting my black jacket and backpack.
I walk downstairs, and rummage through the fridge for food and water bottles to bring, knowing I won't have money for food.

My mothers wallet on the counter. I look over at her to see if she's still asleep and grab the wallet looking inside.

Where the fuck did she get that money? I pondered to myself, staring at the 20 dollar bills, making $220 in total. I pay for all the food and she has this money and won't help me. Well..she is a drug addict. She has to spend her money on drugs obviously instead of her growing daughter.

I scoff and grab all of her money and walk out the door without glancing back once.
Time to reclaim myself. Chicago, be prepared. Trouble comes your way

**So that was the first chapter. Let me know what you think so far(; **

The Niece // Carl Gallagher (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now