Still in love

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*Isabelle's Pov*
"Thank you everybody!" I yell into the microphone

Me and Shawn run back stage and give each other the biggest hug.

"We did it babe!" Shawn says as he pulls away from the hug

"I know!" I say back

As I turn around, I see R5 and Ryland running up to us, "You guys were amazing!"

Me and Shawn go give them a huge hug.

"Thank you guys so much!" I respond. I pull away from the hug to see big smiles on all of there beautiful faces.

Ross grabs my hand and pulls me away from the rest of them. As Ross is pulling me away, I quickly get a glance from Shawn, and he didn't seem so happy anymore.

I look at Ross oddly, "What's up, Ross?"

Ross looks down and notices that he's still holding my hand. He jerks his hand away from mine and bites his lip.

"We need to talk about what happened at the beach"

I cross my arms and start to feel my face heat up

"You want to talk about that now?" I say a little pissed off. My tone of voice changes and Ross notices, so he just nods his head. "Ross this is one of the biggest nights of my life. I just finished tour, and I don't think it's a good topic to bring up right now" I add on

Ross avoids eye contact and nods his head again.

"Yeah sorry, I understand" He says, sounding disappointed.

"Look Im sorry for sounding upset. I just don't want anything to ruin this special night but I want to thank you for being apart of this special night" I say looking,directly into Ross' beautiful eyes

A smile appears on his face, which makes me smile. I go on my tippy toes and gently place a kiss on his cheek
*Riker's pov*
I turn my direction towards Isabelle and Ross.

There's something fishy going on with Ross.. The way he looks at Isabelle and the way he acts around her is the same way he use to act when they were in love.


I run up to Ross after Isabelle leaves.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I yell at him

"What?" His voice gets higher

Every time Ross' voice gets higher, he's either lying or something's up.

"Ross I'm not stupid, you still love her"

His eyes go wide and he just shakes his head

"Riker you have no idea what your talking about" He defends himself

Ross starts to walk away but I grab him by his shoulder

"How could you be in love with her again?" I ask. I let go of Ross' shoulder and he just gives me the most guiltiest look.

Ross looks down and avoids eye contact, "I guess I never stopped"

My eyes go wide and I went silent. Ross looks up and sees my reaction.

"P-please don't tell anyone. I'm just going to shake these feelings off"

I give him the most craziest look, "how is that?"

He shrugs his shoulders," Don't worry about it"

"Don't worry about it?" I mock him. I place my hand on the back of my head and run my fingers through. "Ross you know how impossible that's going to be?" I continue

"You know what Riker, get out of my damn business and leave me alone" Ross snaps as he clenches his fist and give me this evil glare. Even though his glare seemed evil it looked more hurt. It was the same glare he gave me when Isabelle left for tour.

I snap out of my thoughts and realize that Ross was walking away.

"Ross!" I shout, running to him

He surprisingly stops and gives me the same glare.

"Come here"

We both walk up to each other and I give him a brotherly hug.

"Everything is going to be okay" I assure him

"Thank you"
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be updating again on Friday! Love you all

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