1x01: It's All Over

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The charges against Spencer Hastings had officially been dropped, and Alison DiLaurentis was in jail where she belonged...
It was official: Ali was behind bars for killing Mona Vanderwaal. Anyone could have seen it coming from a mile away. It was a years-old mutual dislike having finally come to a head.

Spencer had spent her Christmas walking on eggshells not knowing whether or not she was going to be put in prison... Yet somehow she'd still gotten to find a way to enjoy herself. She dolled herself up and attended the Ice Ball with her friends... And she didn't let the fact that her parents were divorcing or the fact that she had had a miscarriage keep her from having a good time. Sure, she would have loved to raise a child with Toby, but she wouldn't have been able to handle a child at this point in time. When the Ice Ball rolled around, Spencer had to attend it by herself, as Toby couldn't exactly show up comfortably to a dance with his leg completely wrapped up in a brace. Shortly after Ali showed up, the girls scurried off to make themselves less noticeable.

No one had taken notice at the time to the fact that the person in the white coat had been secretly watching them all, but later in the night, Spencer and Aria tracked them down and discovered that it was CeCe, who had come back to visit Alison. She assured them that she didn't kill Mona, and tried to convince them that Alison didn't either, but they didn't want to hear it. They believed that Ali was 100% guilty... But was that the truth? Was Ali really guilty, and was Spencer really 100% innocent? Ali had seen through Spencer's good girl act right from the start. She knew exactly who Spencer was. The Spencer that everyone else knew, anyway. See, there was something about her that wasn't quite normal, or, well, the average definition of normal. She hid it well to save face with Hanna, Emily and Aria, but her parents knew. Ali knew. Mona knew... And somehow, they all ended up in a bad place. Mona was dead. Ali was in jail. Spencer's parents were getting divorced. Was it the "other" Spencer? Her split personality, Elle? That was her secret. The one she kept so well. Spencer had split personality disorder... And when her younger brother had suddenly "killed himself" when they were younger, everyone believed that that was really what he had done. No one ever questioned Spencer. She wasn't capable of such a thing, was she? As Ali watched through the windows of Spencer's house, she wanted to just scream. Seeing everyone have such a great time with Spencer, laughing and smiling it up, knowing the truth, it made her feel sick. Ali was innocent, but none of them believed that. Only she knew the truth of the matter. Only she knew that Spencer, or Elle, could very well be A.

Spencer had told the others that they were all free to make plans for leaving Rosewood now that Ali was no longer a threat, but what if that wasn't what was really keeping her there? What if that's what her second personality had wanted? In the past, Spencer had driven herself over the edge trying to figure out who A was. Back when she had thought it was Ezra, she was so elated that her and her friends had finally ended the cat-and-mouse game that had been going on for over a year... Then when Shana died, Spencer felt a wave of relief wash over her from the knowledge that the A game was finally over... But then Toby's house exploded, and they got another message.

"Did you miss me, bitches?" She couldn't believe she had missed that. She should have seen it then. That had always been Ali's signature line. Of course she was A... But was she really A, or was it Andrew, the sketchy guy she used to get along with but was totally creeped out by now that he was becoming involved with Aria? Was it Lucas, who had joined Mona's anti-Ali army and was so against Ali coming back to Rosewood High? Or was it Cindy and Mindy? Joining Mona's team and then switching to Ali's would have been a great tactic for two girls who were really behind all the texts and the notes and the messages written in red lipstick.
If it wasn't Ali, though, it had to be Andrew, right? A for Andrew? But then... Mona was the first A, and Mona doesn't start with an A. There was just something about Andrew, though, that gave her a bad vibe. It couldn't be Aria. She had her secrets, sure, but even she wasn't that dark. She had always theorized that if one of the other liars was A, it was definitely Hanna. She had completely iced Ali out ever since she'd returned to Rosewood. She'd have all the motivation in the world to want to get revenge against the girl who revolutionized yet at the same time completely destroyed her world... But she couldn't be A either, and Emily had always been in love with Ali. Did A even kill Mona, though? Maybe A and the person who killed Mona were two entirely different people. They hadn't really ever contemplated that. They just wanted it all to be over... But it just kept happening. The texts, the attacks, all of it. Shortly after getting into something of a public spat with her...

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