Questionable Decisions

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After a long day of taking notes, teacher lectures, and dirty looks from almost everyone at school it was finally 9th period. Food and Nutrition.

I was one of the first few people to arrive, and it's not because I was excited to bake some cookies, but more of the fact that I didn't have any friends to stand and roughhouse in the hallway with.

Last year Rose and I would always be late for class because we were too busy doing stupid things that never really amounted to anything. Like taking the multiplication cards from Mrs. Flannegan's room and trying to make a house of cards. Or taking all the markers from the art room and seeing how long we can get them by sticking them together. You never really value the present until it becomes your past.

A sweet scent wafted in catching my attention. Bee sashayed into the class room looking cheerful as ever.

"If you ever talk to Bee again I'm going to pulverize you do you understand me?"

Fuck my life.


I looked up from the paper I was mindlessly carving the number 8 into. It was Bee. My heart felt like it was running a marathon.

"H-hi Beatrice."

She giggled "I was just wondering if you have a date to the dance?"

This is not really happening.

"Uh, no I didn't even know there was a dance going to happen."

"Oh! It's really senior prom but I just call it the dance because it sounds less important."

I raised an eyebrow. "Isn't prom like every girls fantasy. Wearing a big ball gown and whatnot."

"Not all haha."

As soon as she said that I immediately thought of Rose.

Prom is for prissy people with so much money they don't know what to do with.

"So what do you say?" She was waiting for my response.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

She giggled again. "Do you want to go to the dance with me?"

My head was spinning. This is not really happening. It can't be. In what fucking world would Beatrice Miller ask a freak like River Burr out to prom. How would Rose react? How would Mitchell and Kyle react? Fuck.

"Uh." Was all I could manage. I wasn't sure. I had a weird feeling about it. Something wasn't right.

She leaned down close to my ear and whispered " I really like you River. You're different. Rumors are rumors. You deserve to be happy."

The feeling of her whisper and the sound of her words made me shiver.

I love you River. Never leave me.

I wasn't sure. The way she spoke to me wasn't like how she spoke to me... it was sweeter. Far too sweet.


Please oh god.

The memories were coming back.

"Sure." I blurted out quickly. I didn't want to agree but I wanted the memories to stop.

"Yay!!! Ohmygosh im so excited!! I know this is a pretty shitty promposal but I'm so glad you said yes!! Here." She ripped out half a sheet from my notebook.

"Here's my number, home address, and favorite flower."

"Favorite flower?"

"Yes silly for the corsage. Also the color of my dress is red so make sure you get the right flower. I want it to be white. I'm going to wear pearls it'll really accent the dress well."

I stared at her emotionless.

"Oh don't worry show your mom she'll know what to do."

And with that the bell rang and class was to start. Rose was right about prom so far. As she always is.

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