Georgia laughed at the television show she was watching. The Office had always been one of her favorite shows and she was rewatching season four from her box set of dvds. Dwight was her favorite and she loved how he and Jim interacted with each other.
Her phone rang in the kitchen and Georgia sighed before she paused her show and got up from her spot on the couch. Timothy followed her into the kitchen and swished his tail back and forth as his owner picked up the phone receiver.
"Hello, this is Georgia," she said as she picked at her cuticles.
"Hey, Georgia. This is Derek. I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me later on this week? I know it's kind of sudden since I just met you and we haven't known each other for a long time."
Georgia smiled and nodded even though he couldn't see her. "Sure. When would you like to go?"
"Does next Friday work for you? I can pick you up at six and we can go wherever you want. I'm still not sure of all the good places to eat hear." Derek chuckled lightly.
"That sounds great. There is a really cute Chinese place on main street that we can go to, if you like Chinese food."
"Oh, yeah. I love Chinese food." There was a scuffling noise from the background and Derek grumbled about something burning. "Hey, I'm really sorry, but I need to go. My cooking skills are lacking and it would appear that spaghetti noodles are flammable."
Georgia snorted out a laugh and tried to cover her outburst as a cough. "Okay. Safe cooking!" She said goodbye and hung up the phone.
Timothy curled up on her foot and purred loudly. He rolled onto his back and looked at Georgia, flicking his tail against her legs.
Georgia bent over and picked him up, cradling her fur baby in her arms. "You are such a cute fuzzball." She nuzzled her nose in his fir and hugged him to her chest. "I love you, big squishy."
She carried him back to the couch and turned her show back on. Georgia felt herself begin to fall asleep and her eyelids felt heavy. She was able to turn off the tv and curl up with a pillow before she finally nodded off into sleep.
When Georgia finally woke up, it was six and the sun was setting behind the clouds. She had an hour to shower and get dressed before her shift started at the hospital.
"Time to get up, Timmy." Georgia scooted her cat off of her lap and swung her legs off of the couch and stood. She stood still for a moment and let the blood that rushed to her head settle, then she headed for her shower and scrubbed the sleep off of herself.
"My life is sunshine lolipops and rainbows..." She hummed and turned off the water. Her fluffy towel felt like a puffy cloud against her skin and she snuggled up in it, relishing the calm moment. Once she came back to reality, Georgia finished drying off and stepped into a clean pair of scrubs. These ones were a plain maroon color, but they were her favorite and the very first pair of scrubs she had purchased for her job. They felt familiar and in the rushing, and sometimes traumatic, line of work she did, her scrubs were a welcome friend. She braided her hair in a French braid that went to the middle of her shoulder blades and put on her Fossil sport watch.
Timothy sauntered in her bedroom and curled up on her pillow, giving her a smug look that only a cat can give.
"Timothy, you better get your fuzzy butt off my pillow right now." When he didn't budge, she placed her fists on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, well, then I guess you aren't going to be getting any tuna snackers tonight, are you?"

Medical Opinion #Wattys2017
ChickLitGeorgia has worked at Meyer Central Hospital for a year. Her romance life is practically nonexistent: her job as a nurse takes up all of her time. The closest she has come to dating a guy in the past year is staring at Dr. Jeremy Clark. His buff bod...