Georgia clicked her pen closed and looked at the clock. Seven. Only three more hours until her shift ended. She sighed and sipped on her coffee. Her daily consumption rate of the caffeinated gold was probably concerning, but it kept her awake and alive.
"Hey Georgia?" Alyssa, one of her fellow nurses, walked up to the desk. "Dr. Clark wants to introduce us to the new trauma nurse. He said that they will be here in five minutes." Alyssa leaned in closer. "I heard from Tanya that the new recruit is really hot too. Abs and everything. Said he has blue eyes that you can get lost in." The blonde woman's eyes widened and she wiggled her eyebrows. "Good thing I wore my pretty bra today." She winked flirtatiously.
Georgia snorted a laugh and shook her head. "I swear, Alyssa Carter, you are such a flirt. What if this man already has a girlfriend? Or worse, a wife?"
"Marriage never seems to last anyway." Alyssa rolled her eyes. "But I am no man stealer or home-wrecker, so whoever she is, she can have him! If, that is, he has someone."
"Well, I wish you luck in your endeavor. I, on the other hand, follow a motto that goes 'Do not crap where you eat.' Meaning, I do not have romantic relationships in the workplace. Always ends messy and unemployed." Georgia closed a patient's file and tucked it back into it's place on the shelf.
"Oh look! Here they come!" Alyssa checked in her compact to see if she had anything in her teeth and then fluffed her hair. "Get ready, Georgia."
"Everyone, if I may get your attention!" Dr. Clark walked into the center of the ER and waited until he had everyone's focus. The man beside him was just as Alyssa had described him: a tall drink of water. He stood at his full height, probably around 6'1" Georgia guessed, and his broad shoulders stretched out his blue shirt. This poor guy would be having all of the female attention in the county! "Thank you. As you may have previously known, we have a new trauma nurse here at Meyer Central and he finally got here! This is your new nurse Derek Montgomery. He transferred here from Angels in L.A. and we are very excited to welcome him to the Meyer Central family." He smiled. "Nurse Jones, I believe your break is coming up. If you would please show Mr. Montgomery around, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention, everyone." Dr. Clark shot a quick smile to Georgia and mouthed "thank you" before walking off.
Georgia got up from her seat at the main desk and walked over to the large man. "Hi, I'm Georgia Jones. It's nice to meet you."
Derek smiled and reached out his hand for her to shake. She was surprised to feel how strong and rough his hands were, even though she shouldn't have been. "It's nice to meet you too, Georgia. I hope you don't mind showing me around a bit. I know Dr. Clark didn't really seem to give you much of an option." Derek's deep voice sounded sympathetic.
"Oh don't even worry about it." Georgia waved off his comment. "I don't mind."
After showing him around the hospital some, Georgia showed him to the cafeteria and bought herself a Coke. "Do you want anything to eat or drink? They make a mean cheeseburger and between you and me, the chocolate milk here is the best I have ever had."
He laughed. "Well, I might have to try some of that milk then." Derek walked over to the dispenser and filled up a cup with the creamy drink. Once he payed for his item, he took a drink. "Mmm, that is good!" Derek leaned in closer. "Between you and me, chocolate milk is my favorite." He winked and chuckled when he saw Georgia's cheeks tint pink.
"I need to get back to the ER. My break ends in a few minutes. Were you starting tonight or tomorrow?" Georgia walked down the corridor to the ER.
"I start tomorrow night at seven. Dr. Clark wanted me to get a feel for the hospital before I started officially." Derek took another drink of his milk and walked along with her.
"Then we will have the same shift time tomorrow. It isn't so bad, but towards the end my coffee is my best friend. But I am sure you already know that, since you came from Angels. I heard they code black more than any other hospital in the U.S."
Derek nodded. "That they do. There was never a dull moment at Angels. I miss the staff but the hours were insane and I was tired of L.A. The bustle of the city and everything just got to me. I needed air that was fresh and didn't have much smog. Thankfully, Meyer Central had a trauma nurse spot open and I applied for it."
"Well, you couldn't have come at a better time. The extra set of hands will be greatly appreciated for sure." Georgia set her soda bottle on the front desk and hand sanitized. "My shift starts in two. I probably won't see you again tonight but I will see you at shift tomorrow." She sat down and opened up another folder.
"All righty. I will see you tomorrow then, Miss Georgia." Derek smiled and said good-bye and headed out for his car.
"That boy is into you, girl. And he is fiine." Helena made a cooing noise and clicked her pen. "If you don't pounce on that, then I will!"
Georgia laughed. "Go ahead! I'm sure he will love you, Helena."
"Mmhmm! I know he will, hon." Helena winked and laughed to herself.
With a shake of her head, Georgia worked on the rest of her paperwork and tried to survive the rest of her shift.

Medical Opinion #Wattys2017
Romanzi rosa / ChickLitGeorgia has worked at Meyer Central Hospital for a year. Her romance life is practically nonexistent: her job as a nurse takes up all of her time. The closest she has come to dating a guy in the past year is staring at Dr. Jeremy Clark. His buff bod...