Chapter 1 *Mrs Parker*

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Allison's Pov

Why did he Lie to me , I wanted him to be good Why why kai why

The door of the room Open
"I got you a Blood"Damon said

"I don't want it , just leave me alone Damon"I said

"You want to root in here"Damon said

"Yes Please leave me root in my own sadness"I said

"I can free you if you want , I know you weren't a part of it"He said

"No thanks I want to stay here"I said

"If you didn't come out with me , then this will be the last time I come to see you"He said

"Goodbye Damon"I said

"I am trying to Help you Allison , you Can be. a Part of us"He said

"No I can't "I said
"Just leave Damon , and Never come back"I said

"As you like Allison"He said than left and closed the door
He's Gone and Now I am Alone
3 months earlier
No One pov

"Ok we are here today to make you husband and Wife"

"Yes Please can you make it fast , we are late to the plane"Kai said

"Ok Ok , do you....."

"Malachi Chris Parker"kai said looking at Allison's eyes with a smile

"Do you malachi Chris Parker take ....."

"Celestine Allison Argent"Allison said

"Do you malachi Chris Parker take Celestine Allison agrent as your wife"

"Yes I Do"Kai said

"Do you Celestine Allison Argent Take Malachi Chris Parker as your Husband"

"Yes yes I do"Allison said with a big smile on her face

"Now Malachi you May Kiss the bride"

"You don't have to tell me"Kai said than Put his both hands on Allison's cheeks and kissed her , she put her Arms around His neck making him come closer

Then pull away

"Now you are Husband and wife"

"Thank you for this lovely Marriage now goodbye"Kai said than broke the man's Neck

"Kai what the Hell , you don't have to KILL him"Allison said

"Whoops now let's go we have a plane to Catch"Kai said

They are now in the plane going to Paris

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god"Allison whispering while closing her eyes

"What's Wrong?"He asked

"I Never Been in a plane before"Allison said

"So?"He said

"I am scared"Allison said than kai laughed

"Ally we are Vampires"He said

"We still can die if the plane Crash"Allison said

"I have Magic baby , don't worry infect I am here next to you"He said

"I love you"He said kissing her hand

"I love you too"She said

"Mrs Parker"He said with a smile

"Shut up"She said laughing

[3] Lies ...... (Him Book 3) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now