Chapter 3 *Blocked*

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No One pov

Allison and kai were laying down on the bed

Kai on top of Allison Making out than he pull away and lay down next to her , she moved than put her head on his chest

"Life is so much Better this way"Allison said

"What do you mean?"Kai asked

"We don't have any enemies anymore"Allison said

"Yeah"Kai said

"I bet Elena and Damon are having fun right now"Allison said

"Yeah I bet they have a lot of fun "Kai said

"Like the one who having right now"he said than he pushed her off of him and get on top of her again

"aren't you tired"Allison said

"I would Never ever get tired of you Celestine"He said than he kissed her lips than Moved to her Neck

"Oh kai .. you so sweet"Allison moans

"No you the sweetest ally"He said than kissed her lips again than pull away

"Ready my Princess"He said

"I'll always be ready for you"she said than he enter her

Than he kissed her lips and start to do his work in her


"Bonnie please do a spell to find Him"Damon said

"I am trying but he Blocking me , He know that we are looking for him"Bonnie said

"What about Allison? She's with him , if you find her then we find kai"Damon said

"Yeah your right"Bonnie said


"Kai!! Get me a Towel , I forget to bring one"Allison yelled than kai enter the Bathroom he was shirtless but he was wearing a sweatpants

"You look Hot"Allison said than took the towel and put it around her

"Well you look much Hotter without that"Kai said pointing at the towel
Than she laughed
"I am Hungry"Allison said

"Ok I'll Order you Food"Kai said than left the Bathroom

Bonnie her eyes were closed

"Can you see them?"Damon asked

"Shhhh stop talking I hear something"Bonnie said

Allison were walking out of the bathroom

"We should like visit Damon and Elena sometimes"Allison said

"Yeah sure But we just get married"Kai said

"Allison doesn't know that kai lied , he is lying to her"Bonnie said

"And they get married"Bonnie said

"Keep listening"Damon said

"I need to use the bathroom"Kai said

"Ok"Allison said than Kai went to the bathroom

He walked to the mirror

"I know you in here Bonnie"He said

"He know that I am listening"Bonnie said

"I Hope you having Fun with Elena , oh oops she fall sleep Again that sucks"Kai said laughing

"And yes Allison Think that I am a good Guy now , but guess what I lied"kai said

"I tried to be the good Guy once but you didn't believed me and locked me in the prison world"Kai said

"I tried to be nice but you didn't want that , now I hope you and Damon Go to Hell because you will Never find us"Kai said than he clap his hands

Than everything went black to Bonnie , she opened her eyes

"He blocked me"Bonnie said

"What are we gonna do now ? How are we going to find Him"Damon said

"Allison were wearing a towel and there was a name written on it"Bonnie said

"I know where they are"Bonnie said

"Where?"He asked

"They are in Paris"Bonnie said

[3] Lies ...... (Him Book 3) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now