Chapter 5 *Lies and Hurt*

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Allison open her eyes and didn't found Kai next to her

"Kai"she said

"Good morning my beautiful Wife"He said coming out of the bathroom

"Good morning honey"She said with a smile

"Do you know what day it is?"He asked

"No"she said

"Its your birthday , Happy Birthday"He said

"Really , you still remember"She said

"Of course i been celebrating it on my own for 19 Years"he said

"Really"She said

"Yeah ,now I going to get you flowers chocolates and all of good things that you like"He said

"Oh my god kai you the sweetest husband ever I love you so much"She said

"I love you more Allison"He said than he Jump on top of her

"I'll"He kissed you



"Back" kiss

"Dont you dare miss me"He said

"Ok"she said laughing than he kissed her than pull away and get off her and left


"I hate waiting"Damon said

"Cant you just wait for more mins"Bonnie said than they saw Kai leaving the hotel

"Look look it's Kai"Bonnie said

"Let a go kill him"Damon said than Bonnie grabbed Damon's arm

"Wait"Bonnie Said

"Why?"Damon asked

"We talk to Allison 1st and then you can kill him"Bonnie said

"Fine"Damon said

"Come on"Bonnie said


Allison dress up and sit on the bed waiting for kai

Than she hears someone knocking on the door

"Well that was quick"She said than another Knock

"Kai you have a key"She said but than another Knock

"Seriously"She said than opened the door and there was Damon and Bonnie Standing

"Damon and Bonnie"She said

"Hey"Bonnie said

"Hey guys , come in"She said than they enter than closed the door

"What a lovely Visit"She said

"Thanks"Bonnie said

"Me and kai get married"she said

"Oh "Bonnie said than Allison Looked at Damon He wasn't happy and he wasn't even talking

"Damon you ok? Where is Elena?"She asked

"She's a sleep Again thanks to your lying husband"Damon said

"What ? No kai undo the Spell"She said

"For a Day , Elena is back to her coma again"Bonnie said

"Kai lied"Damon said

"He lied to us and he lied to you"Bonnie said

"What"She said with sadness

"He lied to me"She said

"He lied to us all"Bonnie said

"That why I am here to kill him"Damon said

"What? "She said

"You heard me"Damon said than the door open

"I am back"kai said holding a flowers

"What...what are you two doing here?"Kai asked the flowers fall from his hands

"Kai did you lie?"Allison asked standing intron of kai

"I.....I'll explain later Allison"He said

"So you did lie"She said

"Yes I lied"He said

"Why ? Why kai ? Why do you always do this to me?"She said

"I hate them , for what they did to me"He said

"You are here now kai , why did you lie?"She said

"I lie Allison , it's who I am , This is me I'll never Change"He said than Damon vamp sped to him driving his hand to kai's heart and ripped it out

"Ahhhh"Allison screamed

"No"She said falling to the ground Than she moved to him crying

"No no no you shouldn't have done that , I want him back"She said looking at Damon

"No please I want him back I love him ,no no Kai"She said crying

"Kai please wake up don't leave me alone please wake up please"She said crying

"Please I need him , I have no one , I want him back"She said and kept Crying

"You have us now Allison"Bonnie said

[3] Lies ...... (Him Book 3) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now