Chapter 2 *Lied*

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No One Pov

Kai and allison went to Paris Finally , now they gonna Stay in a amazing hotel

Allison and kai opened the door of the room , it's was so big and Beautiful
Allison enter the room

"Oh my god its So beautiful"Allison said walking around the room

Than Kai Closed the Door and lock it
Allison turn around to look at him

"Why are you locking the door ?"Allison asked

"Because I am gonna Kill you tonight"He said with an Evil look on his Face

"What?"Allison said

"I am kidding"He said laughing than Allison laugh

"No seriously I am gonna Kill you tonight ... With kisses all over you"He said than take his shirt off

"Kai we should rest we been in the plane for 7 Hours"Allison said

"I am not Tired and this is our honey Moon"He said

"But I am tired"Allison said

"Take it off"He said

"Kai please"Allison said

"I said Take it Off"He said than Allison took her shirt off

"Continue"He said

"Fine"Allison said than took her jeans off

"Now your turn malachi"Allison said

"I am the one in control"He said

"Not anymore"She said

"Come on take it off"She said than he took off His jeans

"And your rings too"She said

"Why?"He asked

"Because it will Hurt my hair "She said

"Fine"He said than Took off his rings and Put it on the floor

"Now"He said than she walked to him and kissed him with hunger and he kissed her with hunger too they both start to walk without even broke the kiss and they both fall on the bed

The next day

Allison open her eyes and saw kai Still sleeping

"Malachi"She whisper in his ear , than he opened his eyes

"Good morning Mrs Parker"He said with a smile on his Face

"Good morning Mr Parker"She said than he kissed her lips

"Ok what now?"He asked

"We go out and have Fun"She said

"Sure anything for you wify"He said

"But we should shower first"She said


"What a beautiful Pool"Allison said

"Come on"He said than took of his shirt now he in his swimsuit , than she took off her clothes

Allison Looked behind kai and found 3 Girls looking at kai and smiling

"The 3 Girls behind you Looking at you"Allison said than kai turn around to look at them

"They are ugly"He said

"They are still looking at you"she said

"Lets make them look away"He said than grabbed Allison's face and kissed her and pull away

Allison Looked at the girls , they looked at her and turn around

"They aren't looking anymore"she said

"Now can you stop being Jealous and Lets have fun"He said

"I am Not jealous"She said

"Yes you are"He said

"Just shut up and And let's have Fun"She said

At this time in Mystic. falls

"So kai just undo the Spell"Bonnie said

"Yup I am Here"Elena said

"But kai is evil why did he undo the Spell?"Bonnie asked

"Because of Allison"Damon said

"Allison is Nice actually I feel bad for hurting her"Damon said

"Lets just forget about it and enjoy...l"Elena was about to finish the words she fall to the ground

"Elena!"Damon said than he carry her and went to the bedroom and Put her on the Bed

"What happen to her?"Damon asked Bonnie

"I don't know"Bonnie said

"Do something Bonnie"Damon said than Bonnie hold Elena's hand and closes her eyes

Than open it again

"She's a sleep"Bonnie said

"What? "Damon said

"Kai didn't undo the Spell Damon ,he lied"Bonnie said

"I am gonna Kill him"Damon said

[3] Lies ...... (Him Book 3) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now