Chapter 4

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Once Liam gets home, he does nothing but think of going to the club with Theo. The day ticks by quickly and by 7 o'clock Liam had showered and was wearing blue jeans and a red button down shirt, he put product in his hair and styled it and he was wearing a new pair of shoes. He heard Theo's car drive down his street and ran downstairs and waited for Theo on the porch. When Theo stopped in front of Liam's house, Liam was like an excited puppy, he was extra hyper. "yay let's go!" Liam exclaimed excitedly. Theo started to drive towards Cinema and Liam froze, Theo notice.

"don't worry I checked if Hayden was working today but apparently she took the day off" Theo reassured him and Liam turned back to being the excited little puppy. When they reached Cinema, they got out of the car and got inside using their fake IDs. When they were inside they went straight fir the bar and ordered some shots, they took the shots to a private table and Theo pulled out the wolfsbane and put a drop in each shot. Liam had five shots and Theo had six, they started to feel drunk and decided to dance so they went to the dance floor and started to dance. At first it was as friends but when the alcohol kicked in and they got even more drunk they started to dance closer to each other without realising it. They were dancing up against each other and then in the corner of his eye Liam saw Hayden with Gwen and instantly froze. Theo realised that Liam stopped dancing and looked in the direction that Liam was looking in and saw what Liam was looking at. Hayden made eye contact with them and froze but before Gwen could notice she turned away from them and walked away. Liam turned to Theo and looked like he was about to start crying so Theo pulled him into a private booth "hey, I'm sorry I didn't realise that she might come here. We can go and find a different club" Theo suggest but Liam shakes his head.

"it's okay, we can stay but I'm going to need to get more drunk" Liam says and goes to order another shot. "can I have the wolfsbane please?" Liam asks nicely but Theo shakes his head.

"no I will put it for you" Theo says and puts a drop of wolfsbane in the shot. Liam makes and upset face.

"that's not enough" Liam says and snatches the wolfsbane bottle and pouring a lot of it into the shot glass.

"Liam stop, that can hurt you or kill you" Theo says but Liam doesn't listen and goes to grab the shot and drink it but Theo uses his fast reflexes and grabs the shot glass and downs it. He starts to have a coughing fit and collapses on the table. Liam starts to panic and holds Theo up and takes him outside and puts him in the car. Liam gets into the driver's side and shuts the car door behind him and turns to look at Theo.

"why the hell would you do that?" Liam says hitting Theo on the arm.

"well because if I hadn't you would have and you might have gotten seriously injured or you might have died, slowly" Theo says hitting Liam back and starts to cough again.

"well now your hurt" Liam says worriedly.

"don't worry, I'm a chimera, I have a higher tolerance to wolfsbane than regular werewolves do" Theo says through coughs. "so if it's doing this to me it could have killed you"

"sorry" Liam says softly and almost sounds upset.

"Liam it's okay. Now can you just drive back to my apartment I have an herb that will help with this" Theo says and Liam starts to drive the car back to Theo's apartment. He helps Theo out of the car and helps him up the starts to his apartment. When they get inside the apartment Theo goes straight for his medicine cabinet and pulls out a jar with this weird herb inside and picks up a piece and eats it, his coughing stops and the feeling of being drunk fades. Theo hands a piece of the herb to Liam and Liam takes it to make the drunkenness fade.

"you probably don't want to see me again after what just happened to you" Liam says and starts to head towards the door when he feels a strong hand hold him by the shoulder and pull him back.

"what the fuck is wrong with you, I didn't just go through all of this so that I don't see you again. If I didn't want to see you again I would have let you down that shot and die right, then and there" Theo said angrily and saw Liam start to cry, so he pulled Liam into a hug and held onto him tightly.

"I'm sorry for what I put you through" Liam said sadly and quietly into Theo's chest. Theo just embraced him tighter.

"I said that it's okay" Theo said "and I would do it again if it meant that you wouldn't have to go through it". Liam looked up at Theo taking in his whole face but his eyes kept darting to Theo's lips, Liam stood up on his toes and kissed Theo, Theo was caught by surprise and froze, Liam caught it and went to pull away but Theo pulled him in for a longer lingering kiss, their lips moving together in sync. They pulled apart for just a second to breath but then they were kissing again, the kiss getting more and more intense by the second. Theo picked Liam up and pushed him up against a wall and deepening the kiss. Then he carried Liam all the way to his bedroom, laying him down on the bed and balancing over him on his elbows, kissing him. Theo started to unbuckle Liam's belt.

"wait... Theo... stop" Liam said between kisses and Theo froze. "no don't worry you didn't do anything wrong it's just that I don't think I'm ready to have sex just yet"

"that's okay as long as I get to hold you in my arm I don't care if we never have sex" Theo says.

"oh, how cheesy of you" Liam says teasingly.

"shut up Dunbar" Theo says jokingly threatening.

"make me!" Liam says and Theo kisses him. Theo pulls away and starts to walk towards the dresses and Liam starts to whine.

"calm down puppy I'm just changing into my pyjama pants" Theo says and throws a pair of pyjama pants towards Liam "you can wear those". Liam starts to strip and just wears the pyjama pants with no shirt, Theo wears the same. They get into bed and snuggle close to each other, Liam's back flat against Theo's chest. Liam falls asleep and Theo just watches him sleep because he was too scared to close his eyes and see his sister.

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