Chapter 20

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1 year has passed

The pack won the war, they fought and thankfully no one died, peter got hurt and complained about it the whole way back to beacon Hills so they duck taped his mouth shut. Scarlett Tara was born healthily at the animal clinic with Melissa's help. Theo wouldn't let anyone other than Liam touch her for three months, but Deaton said that, that was normal. Liam can't take his eyes of her because she is so beautiful, she has Theo's eyes and Liam's hair. Liam graduated high school by the time that his parents returned to Beacon Hills. He told them the truth about himself after getting permission from Scott and told them about Scarlett. They told him that they knew something was going on in this town and that they loved him and Scarlett. During the summer the whole pack built a house in the woods for the pack house and a small house next to it for Liam, Theo and Scarlett.

"Theo I need to tell you something" Liam says as he walks outside onto the porch where Theo was sitting with Scarlett on the porch swing. He sat himself next to Theo and kissed him on the cheek, then bent down and kissed Scarlett on the forehead. "so, I think I might be pregnant again" he says as he sits up.

"what?" Theo says startled. He lays Scarlett on the porch swing and turns to Liam "then I guess this might be as good a time as any" Theo says and gets up and bends down on one knee.

"what are you doing?" Liam asks as Theo pulls out a box from his pocket.

"isn't it obvious" Theo says "Liam Dunbar, will you marry me?"

"what do you think jackass" Liam says with tears in his eyes "yes I will marry you" Theo puts the ring on Liam's finger then gets up and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"God, I love you so much" Theo says in between kisses.

"I love you too" Liam says.

"we should go to Deaton to see if you are pregnant" Theo says "then we can come back here and have a pack dinner to announce the news, okay?". Liam nods his head.

"okay, sounds good to me" Liam says.

"and this time you will not be leaving my site at all. I'm not going to have hunters trying to kill my family" Theo says.

Theo, Liam and Scarlett go to the animal clinic and it turns out that Liam is in fact pregnant. On their way, home they Liam texts the pack to come to his and Theo's house for dinner because they have some news that they need to announce.

When they get home, Liam goes to put Scarlett to bed, while Theo makes dinner. The pack arrives just as the dinner is being taken out of the oven. The pack sits at the dining table and eat their dinner. After everyone is finished eating, Liam and Theo announce that Liam is pregnant and that they are getting married.

Scott and Stiles pull Theo aside and tell him that if he hurts Liam then they will hurt him.

"seriously, do you really think that I would be able to every hurt Liam. I love him, I would never even dream of hurting him so don't worry" Theo says.

The pack enjoys themselves and when it becomes late they all leave so that Liam and Theo can rest.

The next day Theo, Liam and Scarlett go to Liam's parents' house and Theo and Liam tell them the news. Liam's parents congratulate them and Liam's step father pulls Theo aside and threatens to hurt him if he hurts Liam.

"why does everyone think that I will hurt Liam, I would never even dream of it okay so trust I would kill myself before I ever hurt him" Theo says.


Theo and Liam have the wedding. Lydia organised the whole thing.

"do you Theo Raeken take Liam Dunbar, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do" Theo says and smiles at Liam.

"and, do you Liam Dunbar, take Theo Raeken, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part"

"I do" Liam says, tears in his eyes.

"then I pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss each other now"

Theo and Liam lean in and kiss each other, the pack, their family all cheer.


"you guys are going to have a baby boy" Deaton tells them.

"we're having a boy?" Liam asks.

"yeah we are" Theo says to him and kisses him on the forehead.

"I think I know what I want to name him" Liam says.

"what's that?" Theo ask.

"we should name him Alexander Thomas" Liam says.

"okay I guess we found our baby boy a name" Theo says.


Alexander Thomas was born and is now four. Scarlett is starting her first day of school and Liam and Theo do not want to let her go.

"daddy please, I got to go, I'm going to be late" Scarlett says to Theo, she then turns to Liam "daddy tell him to unlock the car door, please I got to go"

"Theo, baby, unlock the car door so that our daughter can get to school" Liam says to Theo.

"but puppy, what if she gets hurt" Theo pouts.

"she can take care of herself" Liam says.

"but I don't want her to go" Theo says.

"I don't want her to go either but we have to let her go, okay" Liam says.

"fine" Theo says grumpily and unlocks the car door. Scarlett leans forwards and kisses both of her dads on the cheek before getting out of the car and going into the school.

"so Alexander, where would you like to go?" Liam asks their four-year-old son as Theo drives away from the school reluctantly.

"uncu sti" Alexander says, which translates to uncle Stiles.

"what is his obsession with Stiles?" Theo asks.

"uncu sti bat" Alexander says.

"I'm going to kill Stiles with that bat" Theo says.

"you will do no such thing, because I will be the one to kill Stiles" Liam says.

They both laughs and Alexander starts to laugh too. He was just such a cheerful baby.

The End.


that is it, sorry for the short chapter. BTW, don't worry nobody is killing Stiles because nobody is dying. 

thank you so much for reading, it has been a fun ride. 

love you all, xoxo.

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