Chapter 16

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Monday, October 21, 2002

Yn's POV

    "Yn?!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. "Is that you?" She rushed out and met me in the living room. "Yn! Where have you--" She paused, noticing I was crying. "Hey, what's wrong?!" She said, softly. She looked behind me. "Where's Jojo?!"

    "H-he-he's, he's g-" I couldn't manage to speak properly. I sobbed as I tried.

    "What's going on?!" My dad yelled. He walked out into the living room. "Yn, what's wrong?"

    "Jojo!!" I cried. "H-he's gone!"

    "What?!" My parents said at the same time.

    "Where?" My mom asked, on the verge of crying.

    "I don't know," I replied as I covered my eyes and sobbed. Momma gave me a hug and tried to calm me down. "I zoned out for 2 seconds... I just... and then... He's just... and Kenton!" I sobbed harder and harder.

    "Shh.. shhh.. it's ok, Yn. We'll find him." She patted my back and kissed my forehead. I was so confused. I just lost your son. How are you so calm about this? You should be cussing me out right now. I just ignored that unusual situation and accepted the comfort my mom offered. I needed a lot at that moment.

    My dad grabbed his jacket and put on his shoes. "Imma go down to the park and look for them. Call the police while I'm gone." With that, he left.

    "Yn, sit and calm down. We'll find him." She let go of me and made her way to kitchen. She came back and handed me a glass of water before grabbing the phone and dialing 911. "Hello? I would like to report two missing children." She paused as the person on the other line asked her a question. "How long has he been missing?" she asked me.

    "About an hour," I replied. I sipped my water and watched my mom talk as I sat on the couch.

    "An hour," momma said on the phone. ".... What?! Why? .... Come on, now! That's bullsh*t! There are 2 children wandering around helplessly in Compton! They could've been snatched up! ..... No, I'm calm, alright! I just need y'all help! Come on, now! These are children we're talking about! ..... Please!! Just -- hello? Hello?! Ugh!" She smacked the phone back onto its holder. She flopped down on the couch and rubbed her temples.

    "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked.

    "They won't look for the kids." She lifted her head and looked at me. "Apparently, they're not 'officially missing' since it hasn't been 24 hours, yet."

    "So what do we do, now?" I asked, still sipping my water.

    "Pray," she said, simply. She sat up as I put my cup on the coffee table. She grabbed my hands and held them tight as we both closed our eyes and prayed. "Dear Heavenly Father," momma said. "We just want to thank you and praise you for blessing us like you have. I thank you for blessing me with two beautiful children that I love so very much." I cracked a tiny smile at that remark and cried a little more, remembering my brother. "Lord, I pray that wherever Jojo is, you take care of him and keep him safe. And please bring him back home. I need him here. We need him here." She paused for a moment. "Thank you--" her voice cracked. "Amen."

    "Amen." I opened my eyes. Momma nodded her head, stood up and walked away. I saw her wipe her face as she disappeared up the stairs.

    Riiiinnng, riiiinnnng. I looked at the phone on the wall before I made my over to it. I picked it up and held it to my ear. "Hello?"

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