I - Sad Song

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So JackBam has taken over my life. I'm super new to KPop and ISTG, the first ones I watched were JackBam flirting with each other and I just got hooked. So with all my feels, couldn't really help but write a 'lil something - also my first fanfic so if ever you're reading this, don't be too harsh, aright? I don't even have followers here so I'm really not sure if people are even gonna read but if you're here and you are reading this - hurray! Thank you and enjoy! :)

Listen to Sad Song by  We the Kings while reading this chapter to add more feels... :)



Jackson sighed. He has been staring at Bambam for close to thirty minutes and really, it is starting to get a little creepy. But, he couldn't help it. Not when his bandmate is being all cute asking for Jinyoung's chocolate cake or all smiley face trying to get Yugyeom to buy him ice cream. As per usual, he hasn't brought his wallet with him and for about the nth time that night, Jackson finds himself sighing.

Out of the 6 other members of Got7, he finds that he is more drawn to Bambam, finds his presence calming, his voice soothing, his smiles just a little bit unnerving – because it sends his heart all a-flutter but he really does not have the time to find an explanation as to why he keeps on feeling this way. All he knows is that Bambam has the power to make even the most tiresome of days a little bit easy to endure just with the sound of his easy-going laughter.

The group are in a restaurant near the dance studio where they rehearsed for their upcoming tour and have just finished dinner. Everyone decided to have dessert, well except Bambam because he does not have his wallet with him and Jackson is already paying for his dinner and he's embarrassed to have him pay for his dessert too. So he has been bugging Yugyeom to get him ice cream. Before Yugyeom could say yes though, he felt hands tugging on his wrist and when he turned around he found Jackson looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I'll buy you ice cream too. Which one do you want? Go ahead and order," Jackson said.

"But you already bought me dinner. I don't want you to spend too much," Bambam pouted.

"It's fine. Next time we go out, bring your wallet and then you can pay for my dinner and dessert, too," he said with a grin. Bambam's pout became even more pronounced and Jackson couldn't help but laugh.

"Go ahead and get your ice cream, Bam. When have I ever let you pay for food?" He asked the younger boy and found his heart beating just a little bit faster when Bambam rewarded him with the sweetest smile and proceeded to hug him.

"Aww! Thank you, Jack! You are the best ever!" Bambam then went ahead and called the attention of a server and asked for chocolate ice cream. Jackson couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, as if chocolate ice cream is the best thing in the world.

After dessert, they all decided to call it a day and trudged back to their van to get back to the dorm. Bambam had his hands wrapped around Jackson's arm, humming Bruno Mars' Versace on the Floor.

"Jack, sit beside me, ok? This morning, you sat beside Youngjae." Bambam whispered. Jackson couldn't help it. He wrapped his arm around Bambam's shoulder and promised that yes, he will sit beside him in the van. So they sat side-by-side, with Bambam inserting one earpiece to Jackson's ear so they can listen to the same song. We The Kings' Sad Song was playing; Bambam took Jackson's left hand and started to play with it while the song played softly in the background. He then proceeded to intertwine their fingers and started singing.

"Without you,

I feel broke like I'm half of a whole

Without you,

I've got no hand to hold..."

Bambam kept on singing along softly, all the while holding Jackson's left hand with both of his.

And it's moments like these when Jackson gets more than confused, when he feels the lines blur just a little, when he couldn't tell if the fast-paced beating of his heart is due to the fact that he's tired and hasn't had much sleep or if it is because Bambam is so casually holding his hands like his own hands are made just for him. It's moments like these that get Jackson thinking about asking Bambam, "What are we doing? What are we? This is no longer fan-service, there are no cameras around, there are no fangirls screaming JackBam at us...so what are we doing?" But he couldn't bring himself to ask. At the back of his mind, he knows he is not ready to hear the answers to these questions. But he knows he enjoys these moments, when things get quiet and Bambam is no longer the other maknae who is full of energy, when he lets his guard down and shows how vulnerable he can get, when he seems like the only way he'll survive another day is by getting this much-needed contact with Jackson – and Jackson lives for small moments like these.

The song played on repeat and it was the same song they both listened to until they got to the dorm. When the driver has put the van on park and everyone stretched and got ready to go down, Jackson heard Bambam whisper, "Jack, piggyback ride please. I'm tired." And again, Jackson couldn't help but smile and give in to the request. He could never say no to Bam.   


Yay! First chapter up - i'll wait for people to read this and appreciate it even a little before I post the next chapter. :)

Thank you to you who took time to  read this. I wuvshue! :)

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