IV - I Love You, Jack

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Bambam noticed that Jackson had fallen asleep so he let himself stare at him. This is a rare gift – for him to be able to openly stare at Jackson without fear of someone else noticing or worse, of Jackson getting creeped out because Bambam has been staring at him too long and too hard.

Bambam studied Jackson's face – his almost perfect nose (at least for Bambam it appears perfect), his eyebrows, and even Jackson's lips. Jackson is simply beautiful. At that moment, when the world has finally quieted down, he looked at the boy who has been a subject of one too many daydreams. Yes, he is utterly, truly in-love. With his best friend. And he really does not know how to deal with it. This is where all these silly love songs come in – Bambam snorted quietly. Really, he raps. People might laugh at him when they find out that he is now trying to woo Jackson with love songs.

"But would it really be considered wooing if Jackson doesn't even know I'm wooing him?" He thought to himself. This is definitely driving him crazy. He's not even sure if Jackson is attracted to men... or boys. And he does not want to think about how Jackson would react if or when he finds out that he's harboring secret feelings – not brotherly ones – oh no! Really, Jackson might just throw a punch and Bambam seriously needs to reconsider his actions now.

"But what is there to reconsider?" He knows he is in-love, he knows this is not a joke for him or something just to pass the time. He just had to make sure that Jackson is on the same page and if he's not, well – he'll cross the bridge when he gets there.

Jackson chose that moment to move and snuggle closer to Bambam, as if searching for warmth. He placed his arms around Bambam's middle and Bam tried so hard not to make any unnecessary movement so as not to wake the sleeping boy up.

Bambam decided to turn off the music and placed his cellphone on Jackson's bedside table after setting up his alarm. They have another round of dance practice the next day. Everybody is working really hard to ensure that they are prepared for their coming tour.

"I love you, Jack," Bambam whispered and in the quiet of the night, it felt like he just yelled the words out for everybody in the world to hear. He took in a deep breath, looked at Jackson once again and said, "Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."

Bambam turned on his side, with his back to Jackson so the older boy is spooning him from behind and went to sleep.

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