Ch. 2: What I try to avoid

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Amelie's p.o.v.

I hate Mondays. Nothing good ever comes out of them. It is just a day that is set up for failure and disappointment.

I throw my plain grey covers off as I run to the bathroom. I am late. Again. Stupid Mondays!

Okay I have five minutes to get dressed and leave for the bus. I quickly throw on my favorite purple hoodie and black skinny jeans and then make my way downstairs.

When I get on the bus I sit in the first available seat and pray it doesn't happen again today. "Hey Amelie! I saw the funniest thing last night. Your mom was all over this hot guy. Are you having Family issues again? You probably drive your Daddy away. That's why nobody ever sees him anymore" a voice says from behind me.

I jinxed it. "Hi Clarissa." Ugh I hate her. Clarissa is the "popular" girl of the school. she always has a big group of people around her, yet I overhear people saying how much they hate her. I don't understand people.

I keep my head down as I listen to music and ignore Clarissa for the rest if the bus ride. Unfortunately I see Clarissa a lot because we live in the same neighborhood  and her last name is Davids. Our lockers are rift next to each other and have been since first grade.

In case you didn't pick it up, I am rich. My dad is in charge of some big business a couple towns over. That is why he travels so much. I am not a snobby rich person like my Mom and Clarissa though. I don't like using money to get my way. I prefer to just live a quiet, calm life.

But, Clarissa just has to disturb the peace. I fall to the ground as I walk away from my locker and know it was Clarissa's doing. Calm down Amelie!

Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her. If you go to the office they will see your bruises. And if that happens they will contact mom. And I definitely don't want that.

I keep my head down and count to ten in my head before walking away. I give myself a mental high five for keeping my temper in check. Don't judge, bad temper runs in my family. Know I just have to keep it up for the rest of the day. Hopefully I can.

Later that day....

'Alright one more hour, you just have to make it one more hour and you are free to go.' I chant that in my head like a mantra as I head to sixth hour. If I can just last through this one hour without getting into a fight then I don't have to worry about the monsters wrath.

I slip into my seat and prepare for another long lecture about something I will probably never use in life. Then the teacher walks in with Clarissa right behind him. 'What is she doing here?' I'm pretty sure she isn't in this class.

"Class, this is Clarissa. She transferred into this class and will be here for the rest if the year." WHAT!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

Mr. Tart( haha funny name) then turns to Clarissa, who has a smirk on her face as she stares at me, and says," Clarissa, you can sit right next to Amelie for the year, now sit down."

Good bye to the hold on my temper. she hasn't even sat down and I can feel the anger boiling inside of me. Her pointy heels click loudly as she makes her way over to the empty desk beside me.

"Hey Amelie! Surprised to see me?" I can easily hear the smirk in her voice without even looking at her.

'Just keep looking down. Don't acknowledge her and maybe she will leave me alone' I think to myself. "Hey bitch! I expect an answer when I ask you a question!" I knew it was wouldn't work like that.

I slowly face her with a scowl on my face. My hood is up so my face is hidden for the most part. All that that can see is my ruby lips. I so do NOT want to deal with her today. I keep the scowl as I just stare. She stares right back with a superior look.


Oh crap. "yes Mr. Tart?"

"If you keep distraction Miss Davids, then I am going to have to send you to the office. I am trying to teach a class here."

" Yes Mr. Tart, it won't happen again."

"Good." he continues his long, boring speech while occasionally throwing glares my way. Why do I always get the blame for these things?

Do you ever suddenly have pee really badly? That happened to me halfway through the class. I was at the point where I am wiggling in my seat. I can't take it any longer. I throw my had on the air and basically yell my question on the bathroom.

"Miss Davidson I don't appreciate the interruption" Mr. Taft says to me.

"She probably just wants to go whore around in the bathroom with some guy" says Clarissa.

Wtf! where did that come from? I just need to pee. For some reason her comment made me shake with anger. Usually I just brush off her petty comments, but not this time.

With my need to pee forgotten I rise from my seat and face her. My fists are clenched into balls and my entire body is shaking.

"You know Clarissa I have had enough of you damn comments! You constantly bully me and spread rumors about me that are in no way true! you need to stop talking shit about me or I will make you stop!"

With an innocent smile she says," I don't know what your talking about. But I suppose you just copy your Whore of a mother can't get over your father leaving you. probably for a better life because you ruined it."

Oh no she didn't! You can mess with me and you can mess with my mom and I will have almost no problem. But nobody talks shit about my dad!

I lunge at her and knock her off of her seat. I punch her in the face, scratch at her, pull her hair, anything to inflict pain. In the background I can hear Mr. Tart calling the principle and everyone running into a circle around Clarissa and I, trying to watch everything.

I feel a loud growl erupt from seemingly nowhere and everybody freezes. What the hell! I look down and Clarissa is staring at me in fear. Was that me? No. There is no way that terrifying growl could have come from my small 5'4 body.

But that was the only explanation as to why everyone had fear in their eyes as they backed away from me. I am really confused right now. WHAT IS GOING ON?

Then the principle storms in and rips me off of Clarissa." Amelie you and I are going to have a long chat and we are calling your mother" she says to me. "Someone get Clarissa to Nurse Patty" she says before she escorts me to her office.

Well shit, I am so screwed.


Here is chapter two!

It's not so good because it is just leading up to the next chapter. Chapter three will introduce Dad!

What was with the growl?

How will Amelie's mother react? Will she get another beating?

Leave your thoughts please and I just might write another chapter today.


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