Ch. 7: short lived relief

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Amelie's p.o.v.

I woke up on my soft cozy bed with something cold and wet on my forehead. My head was pounding and the cool cloth felt good so I left it there. I thought about what happened at dinner. Someone had walked in the doors, but I couldn't see who it was. I thought it was HIM but this guy didn't have the same amount of power radiating off of him. The only thing this guy radiated was sex. You could practically smell it on him, and I have to say, it's not a very attractive scent.

I stood up and aimed straight for the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and stopped short.

' What the fluffy bunny tail!'

Why we're my eyes gold? Last I checked they were brown. Whatever I'm probably just seeing things again. I tend to be a bit crazy after my panic attacks. I finished my bathroom businesses and headed downstairs. My auburn hair was still a tangled mess but I didn't care. All I wanted was some cocoa puffs and a shopping trip. All of my stuff was still at the monsters house and I didn't want to run into her.

When I opened the walk in pantry in the kitchen I was met with three 5 year old boys. As soon as they spotted my they dropped their cookies they were eating and put on a guilty look.

I just raised my eyebrows then crouched down next to them. They must have all been related because they had the same dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

I looked down at one of them and whispered in his ear," I won't tell if I can have one." He just grinned and handed me one before pointing at himself."mah mame iv Carter" He still had cookie in his mouth so it came out all jumbled. The others choruses in their names too. There was Allen and Sam. I grabbed the cocoa puffs then turned to the door. As I rushed them out the door I said," My name is Amelie and remember, this didn't happen."

They ran outside screaming and laughing. I love kids! I pored my cocoa puffs and sat down at the kitchen island. I thought about my life and how it seems to be getting better. My momster isn't actually my mom, which I'd the best thing ever. I get to spend my time with my dad, and I made s new friend. I like Cynthia and I feel like we are connected somehow. I wonder where she is now?

Speak of the devil and she will appear. Cynthia just popped out of nowhere and scared the pooperdinkle out of me. I let out a shriek and threw my bowl into the air. She caught it before it hit the ground then laughed in my face. I love her yet hate her at the same time.

I cross my arms and yanked away from her. I wasn't actually mad but she looked offended.

' Lets see how far I can take this.' Hah I truly am evil!

I stomped away into the backyard ignoring Cynthia the entire way. She ran after me shouting that she didn't mean to scare me. I just kept running while smiling evilly. I was pretty deep into the woods now, but I kept on running and enjoying the chase. After a bit of running in the woods Cynthia's cries became panicked and more urgent. Thinking that it was just her catching on to my game I kept running.

'Not the smartest choice Amelie' something said in my head. Great now I talk to myself.

My running came to a standstill as a large creature steppe in front of me. No more were the fun and games. Cynthia also came to a stop next to me before standing protectively in front of me.

My blood was rushing in my ears and I couldn't seem to move a muscle, I was completely paralyzed. It was huge and dark as night, completely void of color except for its yellow eyes. Cynthia was blocking most of my view but it appeared to be some sort of wolf. Lets face it I don't really care what it is, I just want to get out of here.

'You need to leave now rouge or I will not hesitate to kill you and call more people to make sure all of your friends are taken care of' Cynthia snarled as she took a step foreword.

What is a rouge? I guess that must be what the creature is called, not a wolf. Wait, friends? I looked around the wolf, peering into the dark woods around us. Oh snap! There were at least four others surrounding Cynthia and I. There was no way we could take them on, we would be dead in a second!! The rouge gave no sign of acknowledgement or any sign that it would back off. It reeked of danger and I really just wanted to go back to the house, into the safety of my Dads arms.

Getting some feeling back into my body, I slowly started to walk backwards a few steps then whirled around sprinted away. Loud menacing growls erupted behind me before I heard something that sounded like clothing being shredded.

Several pairs of feet rumbled behind me and I knew, I just knew, that I wouldn't make it. One pair was getting dangerously close and the quicker it got the more panicked I became.

I let out a long, high-pitched shriek as I felt a pair of teeth close in around the back of my shirt. I continued to shriek as it lifted me off the ground and ran towards the house. We reached the edge of the forest and I could see the backyard. However, this did not calm me down any more because it was full of other rouges which were running in our direction. There were about 20 of them and they were just as big as the other ones. They came in all different colors but their eyes were all golden.

As the rouge that held me in with its teeth brought me to the backyard, some of the rouges from the backyard ran off into the woods and some surrounded us in a circular formation. The one that held me dropped me to the ground and I curled into a fetal position as I continued to scream and cry. My body was shaking with the loud sobs and was coming from my small body. I buried my head in my knees as I awaited death The only sound that could be heard was my cries.

All of a sudden I was pulled into a mans arms and I looked up to see my dad. Around us the rouges were all gone and a couple people were all that remained. There was Cynthia, my dad, Carl, Mark, and a few people I didn't know but had seen around the house. I just held my dad close and sobbed into his chest. Why does my life have to be so complicated?


Hey people!

So this is kinda a bad chapter, but it was just supposed to reveal wolves to her. Like I said, not my best work but the next chapter will be long and dramatic so yeah.

Comment if you like.

Vote, that would be nice.

Enjoy please.


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