Ch. 8: surprise lesson

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Amelie's p.o.v.

After I stoped sobbing in my dads arms we ended up in my dads office. It was just me, Cynthia, her dad, and my dad. We have been sitting in here for a good half hour. I want my questions answered, but I'm not completely sure what my questions are. Heck, I don't even know if they could answer my questions. But I got the feeling they could answer some things by the looks on their faces.

I took a deep breath and asked the first thing on my mind. "What the hell just happened?!?" I'm not generally one to swear, but I think it is acceptable in this situation.

Dad sighed before he started to explain.

"Well Hun, what you saw was called a rouge. Well first of all let me tell you about werewolves. A werewolf is a person that can shift into a wolf. They live in packs and they have mates. Mate is short for soulmate, it is the person made for you. When mates have children, they are born in wolf form then shift to human. When each wolf turns 18 they shift once again to receive their wolf. Then-"

"What do you mean they receive their wolf" I interrupted him.

"Oh, each werewolf has an inner wolf that takes over when they shift. They are like a voice in your head the rest of the time and they talk to you and give you advice."


"Anyway, a rouge is someone that doesn't live in a pack and they let their wolf become a beast, a monster. They try to take over packs, or break them apart. The rouges are all black and they have red eyes. That's how you can tell them apart from regular wolves. The normal ones are any color other than black and have golden eyes. You need to remember this so you know who to trust. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but I have a question." The more he told me the more it bothered me. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, like a rock was forming and slowly sinking.

"How do you know all this?"

To me this was a serious conversation, but when I asked that Carlos, Cynthia's Dad, looked annoyed, Cynthia started to giggle, and my dad just stared at me as though the answer was obvious. Don't they understand how scary and frustrating this was for me?

"Hun, we are werewolves. I thought that that was clear after that little lesson."

My heart seemed to stop. Admittedly I felt a little stupid and embarrassed, but the pure fear overwhelmed it. Were they the golden eyes wolves that surrounded me after one of them dragged me out of the woods? That one was probably Cynthia since she was with me in the woods.

I slowly stood up and backed away from them. They all stood up too and walked closer to me as I backed away. My dad was a werewolf. And he mentions that he had a mate that was my real mom. Does that mean I am a wolf?

"Am I one too?" I needed to know. The need was like a burning itch that needed to be scratched.


Thank God!

"Your a hybrid, your mother was a vampire."

Oh cheezballs. Did not see that one coming.

I felt the familiar and annoying blackness surge around me. As always, it quickly took over leaving me to my dreams. This was getting really annoying and it always had the worst timing.

For the rest of the night I dreamed of both red and golden eyed wolves growling and biting all over my body.

_______Next day_______

I woke up alone in my big blue room. I'm kind of glad that nobody was with me because it allowed me some time to think. My brain was overwhelmed at the moment. All the information we swirling around in my head, and my focus kept shifting between the different parts of dads speech. Rouges, packs, wolf voices in our heads. One thing kept coming to the surface though. My mom was a vampire, my dad a werewolf, and me a hybrid. I was a hybrid. What does that mean for me. Last week I was just a seventeen year old human girl who's biggest problem was abuse. Although it was still a huge problem, my life seems so much worse now. I needed to just get away. Soon. Maybe I can just sneak out. Take some money and leave. Yeah that's what I will do! I will rent an apartment somewhere so I'm not homeless.

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