A Passing Chance

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Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the rings, JRR Tolkien is the master behind it all. I only own the oc and plot.

It was not often that Wind was passing near Rivendell. It was indeed unheard of that she should hear such a noise as the demonic screeching of a dark being in the air. Yet is was not uncommon that she should find her way to the source of the noise; curiosity always got the better of her.

Black riders, their horses stampeding after an elf Wind knew quite well. The chase seemed urgent, and they almost passed her before her thoughts could finish running through her head. Wind took her chance to follow them swiftly, although afraid of what should happen once she catches up.

Arwen had. in her saddle, a small child, their eyes glazed over and skin pale. Wind had sped her steed onward to level with the she elf.

"What are you doing?" she cried out, "you should not be here right now," Arwen glanced behind her.

"I was passing, are you in need of a distraction?" Wind shouted back to her over the thundering sounds of hooves.

Arwen noticed that the riders were drawing closer and she was not yet able to get to a safe place or distance. "No, they will split, keep going and I shall catch up! It is of utmost importance that Frodo returns to Imladris."

Wind nodded, urging her horse as fast as it could handle. This was her steeds reputation, one of the fastest horses she had ever ridden. She noticed Arwen was forming a river in front of them, a path for Wind to get through and for Arwen to close behind herself. It worked, and she watched Arwen lay the child on the bank of the river.

"No, Frodo, stay with me..."

Wind lowered her eyes. "Arwen, I will pray for him, though I do suggest it is best I take him myself and ride to Rivendell quickly, Caran is the faster steed and will do a fine job should I ask it of him." She spoke through Arwens' mutterings.

There was only a mere nod before the child was placed upon the Caran's back and Wind took no time in hesitating. She kicked the red horses flank and they sped off towards the direction of Rivendell. Arwen mounted her horse soon after and followed them at a slower but urgent pace.


"A rider comes fast this way,"

"It looks to be two, Arwen and another, I shall run and tell Lord Elrond" The second guard told the first, leaving his post to head into the city.

Almost as quick as the guard had left, Wind had reached the abandoned post. "My name is Wind, I am a friend of Lord Elrond and Arwen, let me pass or see the fate of the world turn dark," she warned and was quickly let through. It may have been a lie - as she knew not why this child was so important - but a lie to get help quicker was the only way.

When she got closer, she dismounted Caran. Her lugs almost buckled under her as she jumped off not so carefully, but she corrected herself and took the child, meeting with Elrond and the guard whom had left. Arwen came down the path too just as Lord Elrond took the child inside. She dismounted and followed as quick as she could.


"Gandalf," She bowed her head in slight greeting to the elder wizard,

"It is good to see you again, though sad it is that it should be in these circumstances."

Wind smiled, "I'm afraid I do not even know the circumstances. I only came across Arwen by chance, now I stay here, unsure of what goes on in the healing rooms with Lord Elrond and the child."

Gandalf sat next to her, bringing out his pipe. "Frodo is no child. He is a hobbit, who currently holds the one ring of Sauron. Surely you could feel the darkness from the wound?" She shook her head. She had felt the darkness from the creatures themselves, but not from the Hobbit.

"Now that the ring is in Rivendell, Elrond plans to hold a council of all races to decide what is to be done," Gandalf rose, "Aragorn is back, should you wish to see him. Although I believe Frodo should wake some time later, It is best you bring your visit to Rivendell into light."

Elrond looked upon his son and whom he had traveled with. "There will be a room prepared for you," he addressed the Hobbits, "You may visit your friend when he is well."

Wind stepped closer, hoping her presence would be noticed without interrupting the Lords' words. "Estel, I have invited people from all over the land to a council. You shall be part of it. Do not worry, I have not forgotten you either," the Lord turned to face her.

"My apologies my Lord, for it seemed more important that Frodo was attended to than my own passing be acknowledged, I did not intend to visit but I ride faster than Arwen and had offered my assistance."

Elrond nodded and thanked her, "You will join this meeting too. Whether you like it or not, you have given yourself to Middle Earth's current affair. For now, you may stay in the guest room you are usually given."
AN: So... I'm a little scared of writing this if I'm honest. Many say that I'm an excellent writer but I still worry that this will be bad. Also, I don't want this character to be a Mary Sue. Her name currently is leaning towards Mary Sue style but I have an explanation for it, and I've a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything (hopefully). I want this to be a oneshot of a few chapters but I'm actually not sure how I'm going to incorporate the words from the prompt without going too far. I don't know, I'll stop rambling now. Thank you for taking the time to read! I hope the chapters aren't too long or short, on the computer they look very short but on the phone they are rather long. Feedback?
~ Pixigh

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