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"We still have some fight left in us, plus I've got an idea." Rex said as he looked at the airbase, "What are you thinking?" Fives asked, "Remember when you said something about trying to find another way to destroy those clankers?" Rex asked Fives, "Yeah." He replied, "Well I've got a mission for you." He said, Fives nodded in understanding, suddenly Rex's comlink started beeping. "CT-7567, where are you?" Krell asked, "General, we've come up with a plan to take the airbase." Rex explained, "What is the plan?" Krell asked, "We've dispatched two men on a stealth mission inside the airbase, and we've ordered them to take the star fighters and use them against the airbase." Rex said, Natalia thought the plan was brilliant. "You what?! You put this entire assault on your hope that two clones can do what your entire squadron could not?!" Krell yelled at Natalia and Rex, "Sir, the rocket launchers don't work on these tanks. It would be easier to slip by undetected then to keep the tanks occupied." Natalia explained to Krell, "General! You will launch a full forward assault immediately! Or you will be relieved of duty! Both of you!" Krell yelled at Natalia and Rex. "We need to hold out as much as we can, we're trusting Fives and Hardcase to pull this whole thing off." Natalia said.

"Let's go!" Natalia shouted at the clones and they ran back into the battle. "Look! They're doing it!" Natalia shouted as she watched the fighters in the airbase take off. Rex shot a tank down to the ground but it got up, Natalia stood in front of Rex with her lightsaber out, but the tank was soon blown up by the airstrike. "The battle has finally turned in our favor." Natalia said with a smile, "Way to go you two." She said to the air. Soon the battle had turned into peace, the Umbarans were arrested and for once no shots were being fired. "Despite Hardcase's flying, you two saved us all." Natalia said, Rex nodded in agreement, "Ah it wasn't so tough." Hardcase said proudly, "You looked kind of green when you came out of that fighter." Jesse teased him. "Captain! Report! What is our situation?" Krell  yelled at Rex once again. "General, we have taken the base and cut off all enemy supply lines to the capital." Rex told him. "Consider yourselves... Fortunate." Krell said, "It wasn't all luck, sir. A lot of men died to take this base." Rex said sharply, "The price for such victory, maybe someday you'll realize this." Krell said, "You're a Jedi, you're supposed to care about the lives of others, what is wrong with you?!" Natalia yelled at him, "You're crossing the line, General." Krell threatened, "Stand down!" He yelled at her, "No! You're the one crossing the line! You've put so many lives at risk and you've done nothing!" She yelled, "Stand down or I'll have you relieved of duty for the rest of the war!" Krell yelled at her, she clutched her fist around her lightsaber but she shut up. "Dismissed." He said as he turned around, Rex walked up to stand beside her. "He's the one who will never realize." Fives told the two, Natalia nodded, all of the clones and Natalia stood in silence as Krell walked away, too stunned to say or do anything.

"You're a Jedi, are you not? Can't you do something about this?!" Tup yelled, but she shook her head, "He's a Jedi Master, I'm just a Knight. He's in charge of me sadly, I can't do anything. I would have a long time ago." Natalia said, "Let's go, we can't just stand around." She said with a sigh, she thought of Anakin and what he would do if he were in this situation, he'd probably kill Krell if he was here. "We're receiving a transmission, let's go find Krell." Natalia said, she ran to Krell with Rex. "Sir, we're receiving a transmission from General Kenobi." Rex said, "I'll take it in the tower." Krell replied, Rex nodded and him and Natalia followed Krell to the tower. The three walked into the tower and looked around, "Where is he?" He asked, "General Kenobi do you read me?" He asked, a pixelated form of Obi-Wan showed up on the transmitter, "Congratulations on your victory on the airbase, Generals." Obi-Wan said to the two Jedi, "The time for celebrations will come when we take over the capital." Krell said, "Yes, well I'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated. Their attacks have increased and their missiles are forcing us to retreat from our cover." Obi-Wan said, "I was hoping we would cut off their arm shipment and supplies when we took this airbase." Natalia said, "It seems they're receiving new arms shipments directly from a supply ship orbiting-" Obi-Wan said, but he was cut off, "Ah, we're having difficulty transmitting." He said calmly, "They must be jamming our signals." He said, "Can't we just destroy the supply ship?" Rex asked, "We're trying, but with little success. We're outnumbered and the ships we've been promised haven't shown up yet.

"We'll just have to take that capital regardless of the missiles." Krell said, "My battalion will meet you at the rendezvous cooridinates." Krell said, "We will not expect it." Obi-Wan said. Natalia shook her head and looked at Rex as Obi-Wan's transmission was ended. "I'm trying to get him back sir!" The clone with them said, "Don't bother, the enemy has ended our transmissions, we're on our own." Krell said as he walked out of the room. Rex and Natalia looked at each other and shook their heads before following Krell. 

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