In the closet

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This contains adult scenes, so please skip this part if you aren't comfortable with that. Otherwise; hope you enjoy it, and please give me feedback!

This is what could have happend if Veronica got chosen while playing Seven Minuts In Heaven.


Bettys POV

Maybe, if I hadn't know Cheryl Blossom since kindergarten, I would have thought she was nice. I might even have wanted to be her friend, or at least respected her and given her a chance.

But I strongly doubted it. If it was the spark in her eye, the twisted corner of her smiling mouth or the way she held her head up, like she was balancing a crown, was hard to tell; but all of it together made her look like how she truly was; the most sugar sweet, manipulating, coldhearted person in all of Riverdale. She looked just like the devil in a body.
And in that second it really felt like she was. Her eyes were glowing, loving the chaos she knew she was creating.

"Does anyone care to second it?" She asked looking at the people around the table. Veronica opened her mouth to protest, but Cheryl lifted her finger to keep her quiet.

"You are the one chosen; you don't get anything to say about this, new girl." Veronica didn't shut her mouth, she was so damn stubborn sometimes, so I put my hand on her arm to stop her from doing anything stupid. She didn't look at me but she must have understood what I meant by my touch, because she closed her mouth. Arguing with Cheryl Blossom was not a good idea.
We all set quiet for a moment and I felt how every cell in my body hated her more that I thought was possible. Of course she had picked the new girl to walk into the closed in Seven Minutes In Heaven, just to show her who was really the boss in this town. The fingernails on the hand I didn't have placed on Veronicas arm were pressed into my palm. It stung, but I welcomed the pain because it kept me distracted, just like on the tryouts.

"Okay then", Cheryl said and smiled when no one said anything. "Let's spin the bottle."
She walked over to the table and gave the bottle a spin. I could feel Veronica shake under my touch, but I didn't have to look over at her to understand that it was in anger rather than fear.
Instead I looked up at Archie. His eyes were, just like everyone else's, fixed on the spinning bottle. I wished with all my heart that the bottle wouldn't stop pointing at him. Veronica and Archie alone in a closet was not the best way to end this evening.
The bottle slowed down and I lowered my gaze to it. Slower and slower and suddenly it stopped. And it wasn't on Archie. I breathed out. I had to had held my breath for a long time without even noticing it. I relaxed my fingers. My palm still stung.
I looked at the bottle again and my heart missed a beat. The top of the bottle was pointing right at me. I looked up. Everyone were staring at me.

"I don't..." I started mumbling, not willing to meet anyone's gaze. Cheryl spoke up, drowning my following words.

"May I remained you Betty", she said with her false, sugar sweet voice. "That someone else has to take your place if you don't do it."
I glanced over at Archie. He looked at me with big eyes. I turned my head to Veronica and even though she didn't say anything I could she was begging me to agree. If I didn't walk into the closed somebody else was going to, and that someone could be Archie. I didn't want them alone in the closet together.

"Okay", I said. Cheryl smiled, once again with that crazy spark in her eyes.

"Go into the closet, and make this seven minutes heaven for you." I and Veronica stood up while Cheryl pointed at a door. We walked inside and Cheryl closed the door behind us.
The darkness surrounded us and I could barely see her face even thought the limited space made us stand closer together then we would have otherwise. We were both quiet for a moment. I was the one to break the silence.

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