The sound of a broken heart

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Thank you so much for all of your votes and comments on the other episodes, it really means a lot and keeps me motivated!
This is a different story than the once before. It's based on what would have happened if Betty had gone alone to see her sister and then gone directly to the car afterwards where the one who burnt it down hadn't waited for Betty to get out of there. Kind of complicated, I know, and I'm sorry for that; but I hope you like it anyway.

As always, please help me make this better by commenting things I've done wrong.

Remember that you're read this at your own risk; YOU MAY CRY!

Veronicas POV

Why hasn't she come back yet? She said visiting her sister would only take about three hours, four at the most. Five and a half hours have already past. All kinds of weird and horrifying scenarios are playing in my head.
Maybe they looked her up together with Polly, or maybe Polly killed her when she told her about Jason. I really should have gone with her.
I sigh and stare at the empty milkshake glasses in front of me. I wonder if I should order a fourth one. My head tells me not to, but the rest of my body tells me differently. The door to Pop's opens and I look up, hoping to see my best friend.
But isn't. It's just some girls from school. They don't even seem to notice me. I sigh again and wonder if it was really here and now she had told me to meet her. I take my phone for the table to double-check the text she sent me.

Going to see Polly, I need answers. I'll be back at three, four tops. Please meet me at Pop's after that.

Well, right place at least. I check the clock. Another minute have past. Betty doesn't use to be late. I send her another text asking where she is without any hope of getting an answer. She hasn't read any of my last ones.
Just as I'm about to put the phone down it starts to ring and Jughead's face appears on the screen. I click to answer.

"Hello there", I say. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
It takes a couple of seconds before he answers and when he does his voice sounds tense and worried; not at all like the Jughead I've come to know.

"It's Betty", he says. I can tell something is wrong just by the way he breaths. Something is wrong and he asks about Betty. It's not hard to put those pieces together, but it takes time because my brain doesn't want them to match. When I finally understands my heart stops.

"What is going on? Is she okay?" The panic in my heart can easily be heard in my voice.
Once again he is quiet for a moment and this time the silence says more than a thousand words. Betty, my Betty, is not okay. Something has happened.

"Oh my god", I say slowly, still trying to put the pieces together. "What- what happened to her?"
This question Jughead can answer directly.

"We don't know for sure, but it is bad, it's really..." His voice breaks before he can complete the sentence. I think he is crying, but my mind can't confirm it; it doesn't understand anything right now.

"Where is she?" I ask, higher and more confident. I need to see her. She can't be half as injured as I picture her right now.

"She is..." His voice breaks again. The mix of fear and panic makes me angry. I stand up and yell into the phone.

"I have to see her! So for god's sake, tell me where she is." A moment of silence follows.

"She is at the hospital, and they are not sure she is going to make it." The panic explodes in my chest and I hang up the phone and toss it across the room with a scream. I barely notice that everyone at Pop's is now looking at me with scared faces, I just run to the door and out or it.

I don't remember how I got there, but suddenly I'm standing outside the hospital doors. I am winded and my whole body hurts. My hands are bleeding. I must have fallen on my way here without even remembering it. My heart beats faster and harder than ever before and never in my life have I been this scared. If there is one thing I know for sure is that I can't lose her. Not now and not ever. Not my Betty.
I push the doors open and run into the waiting room. There are people everywhere but I don't really see their faces. I stops and scans the room for one face, but I can't see it anywhere. I take another step forward and look again. Now I see him.
Jughead is standing in the corner of the room. He looks so scared I almost start to cry, but instead I use my elbows to make my path to him. When I have come halfway across the room he sees me. He starts walking towards me too and when we meet in the middle he put his arms around me in a hug. I hug him back. His shoulders start shaking at the same time as mine. Tears start to run down my cheeks.

"What happened?" I ask. I can feel him shake his head.

"I don't know", he admits. "I was looking for her, but when I couldn't find her I took a turn past her house. It was a police car there and I just heard them saying she was here and they don't know if she is going to make it."
I pull away from him.

"I need to see her, where is she?" I demand to know.

"No, Veronica. They won't let anyone see her, I've already tried."

"That doesn't matter," I snap. I turn around and start to walk towards the nearest random corridor. Behind me I can her Jughead calling my name, but I ignore him. I pull the doors open and start to run. Around me I can hear people yelling at me to stop running, but I don't listen to them either.
I just run; I have to find her.
Then I can see her name. Elizabeth Cooper. It's written on a small piece of paper taped up on a wooden door. I put my hand on the handle before I freeze.
I have no idée what is on the other side of this door. I don't know what have happened to her. For all I know she can have lost both of her legs. One second later I realize I don't care; I just have to see her. I have to kiss her again.
I open the door and what I see causes me to gasp.

Betty is laying in the bed with hoses in her mouth, nose and arms. Her eyes are closed, but not in a peaceful way. She looks pained.
But the worst part is her skin. It's all red and sore. I take a tentative step against her, and then another one. What can have done this to her?
I look down at her for a moment before pressing my lips to her forehead and then taking her hand in mine.

"Please Betty..." But I don't have time to finish before the heart monitor next to her starts to sound with a high, beeping sound. I look at it, scared. The line on it is straight. No. No no no. I stand up, letting go of her hand. I hit the monitor; hard. Nothing happens.

"No", I start to mumble. "No no no, don't do this to me Betty."
My whispers turn to a scream.

"No, don't you dare do this to me! Betty!"
I hit the monitor again, and then again. Still nothing happens.

"Shut up you son of a..." I yell but when I am about to hit it for a fourth time arms starts pulling me away from it.
I try to tell them to stop, but the scream that is coming out of my mouth is a scream without words. She can't be gone, Betty Cooper can't be dead. I didn't even tell her I loved her.
The sound of my heart breaking into millions of pieces is the only thing I can hear.

So I really hope I didn't break your heart completely (sorry incase I did). I hope you liked it a little bit anyway.

Also; please, please, please comment requests and thank you so much for reading this!

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