I'll always need you

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Thank you all so much for voting and reading this story!!! I know the last episode was a bit rushed. The reason is I wanted to give you a quick update, but I have come to realize I'm writing this for me because I think it's fun. From now on I'll update when I feel like it. I'll not stop so don't worry. I just don't know how often I'll update. I think you understand.

Hope you still want to continue reading this story and that you enjoy this part!

Veronicas POV

I open my eyes. It's so dark around me I can't see anything. No moonlight is sipping trough the curtain. It must still be in the middle of the night.

I just lay there for a moment, wondering what woke me up. Then a buzzing noise starts which causes me to jump a bit. I look at the table next to my bed. My phone is ringing. I sigh at look at the screen. Betty's face is staring at me. She is smiling wide, so wide her teeth is showing. It's my favorite photo of her. I took it at Pop's before all this madness started; before Kevin found Jason's body.
I look at the clock on her forehead. 02:13. What does she want in the middle of the night?
I grab the phone and press the green answer button.

"Hello?" I say and my tired night voice crack a bit. I don't get an answer. Instead I hear her heavy breathing. I wait a minute, confused and tired.

"Betty?" I ask. Once again I don't get an answer, just a sob. I sit up in the bed and turn on my bed light.

"Betty, what's going on?" Another sob before she finally answers.

"It's Polly", she says and pauses to sob again. "She didn't come home!"
My heart skips a beat and I take a second to understand what she mean. Has she disappeared just like Jason?

"But she left this afternoon. Have you called the cops?" I hear a short laughter which soon change into another heartbreaking sob.

"She hasn't gone missing; she just didn't come here. She went to the Blossoms instead."

"What?" I snap sounding as shocked as I am. "But I thought she would come to live with you guys again?"

"We thought so too. Mom is heartbroken, she won't stop crying. She even threw out dad!"Once again it takes a couple of seconds before I understand.

"She threw out your dad?" I say. Betty just sobs again. The sound of her crying breaks my heart, and a sudden feeling inside of me convinces me that I would hurt anyone who makes her feel this way. I would do anything to punch Polly in the face right now.
Betty makes another, even more heartbreaking sound.

"Don't do anything stupid", I tell her. "I'm coming."
I hang up the phone before I jump out of my bed and hurry to change my pajamas shorts into the first pair of trousers I can find on the floor. I grab a sweater which I pull over my head before I, as quiet and fast as I can, walk across the room to the door. It's in this moment I feel lucky my mom sleeps on the other side of the apartment. I open my door and listen for signs my mother is still awake, but I don't hear anything. It's all quiet.
I walk across the apartment, unlock the door and walk out in the hallway.

Getting from my house to Betty's is easy. I start to run but halfway there I find a unlocked bike. I take it and I'm at her house less than thirteen minutes later. I throw the bike in a bush.
Outside Betty's window is a ladder. I don't hesitate before I start to climb. I knock on the window and not even a second later Betty opens it.
She is still crying and even before I have the change to climb into her room she has her arms around me. She puts her head on my shoulder and cry into my hair. I stand with half of my body still outside and my arms hardly tied around her body.
I still feel the anger against Polly in every part of my body, but it feel much better with Betty in my arms. I don't try to hush her because I understand that Polly's betrayal won't be so easy to forget. Instead I pat her on her back, trying to comfort her.

"Why would she do that?" she asks. Her whole body is shaking.

"I don't know, I'm so sorry Betty", I tell her. She just hugs me even harder.

"I am too."
We just stand there. I don't know for how long.
I can feel how cold the ladder is through my pants and the sharp edge of the windowsill is hurting my leg. Yet I don't try to move away. I could stay like this forever if that meant I would never have to let go of Betty. Ever. But after a while Betty seem to calm down. At least a bit.

"Oh, I'm so sorry V; I didn't even let you in." She let go of me and backs into her room.

"Don't worry about it", I tell her as I climb after her. "I'm here for you, you know that right?"
Even though it's dark in her room I can see her nodding. I stand in her room opposite to her. She starts to walk back and forth with a pained expression on her face.

"I don't know what happened. First she told me she would come back t live with us, and then she just goes to the Blossoms. I mean, she is my sister!" Her voice sounds desperate and scared and confused.

"I should have done more!" I put my hands gently on her shoulders and hush her.

"You did everything you ever could. This is Polly's fault, not yours." She opens her mouth to argue with that, but I speak before her.

"Just try and sleep Betty, please. You are too tired for this right now. Tomorrow, if you want, we can go talk to her, but for now you just have to try and forget it."
Betty sighs and nods.

"Will you stay with me?" She asks. I'm a bit hurt she even have to ask.

"Of course", I tell her. "As long as you need me."
We go to the bed and lay down next to each other. I put my arm around her and she takes my hand. The times seems to have stopped. We are quiet, not saying a word. I can feel my eyes getting tired and just as I'm about to fall asleep I can hear Betty whisper something. I'm so tired I don't even know if she really did say it or I dreamt it.

"You should be careful what you wish for Veronica. I'll always need you. I'll never let you go, not like Polly. Your are too important to me."

Those words, even if it was just in my sleep, makes my heart grow and fireworks explode inside of my stomach.
I'll always need you too, I think as I fall asleep.

Thank you for reading this part! Please vote if you liked it and aslo please comment requests so I know what you guys want to read!

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