A tiny heart

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OMG thank you all so much for all your reads and votes and amazing comments! It really makes my day everytime I get a notification from wattpad!

And I'm so sorry for not updating in so long; I'll really try to do it more often.

I hope you like this part even though it's a bit weird.


Bettys POV

"How was your summer?" I ask Archie. He takes a sip of his milkshake.

"It was almost just work for me", he says, a bit too quickly, and takes another sip. I frown on my forehead. I've known Archie Andrews all my life. I can tell when he is lying.

"I..." I start, not completely sure if I should ask or how I should do it. "Are you sure? You seem a little tense."
When he answers he does it, once again, a bit too quickly for it to be true.

"I'm not." He takes another, bigger sip of his milkshake. Why is he lying? I open my mouth to ask another question, but this time he is faster than me.

"I wonder who that is." He looks at a point over my shoulder. I turn my head to see what he's looking at. What I see really takes my breath away.

There is a girl in the bar; a girl with long raven hair wearing a coat in the same color. I can only see about half of her face, but what I see is enough for me to tell that she is she most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't really know what makes her that. Maybe it's her wonderful, big, brown eyes or her thin, perfectly shaped lips but I'm not sure; I just know she is.

"She is hot", I hear Archie say behind me, and just like that the spell is broken. I blink; feeling confused, and turn my head forward again.

"Yeah", I say while awkwardly looking down at the table. What just happened?

"I think she's checking me out", Archie says. I don't answer, just keep looking down. He doesn't even wait for me to say anything; he just gets up and starts walking away from me. I don't want him to go, but I don't try to stop him. What is wrong with me? Why don't I want him to go?
But deep down I know the answer. I think I have known for a while, but I go completely sure by looking at her but saying it out loud would make it true. I don't know what that makes me, but I'm not sure if I could handle being that girl; that gay girl in the peaceful town.
I shake my head. What is wrong with me? I look behind me to see Archie waking towards that beautiful girl. The look of them makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I ignore it.

"Hey", Archie says with a wide smile as he sits down next to her. She smiles back.

They are quiet for a moment. The girl takes a sip from the milkshake. Archie just looks at her. A second later he seems to realize what he is doing.
He looks down and laughs a bit awkwardly. Then he looks up again.

"I'm Archie", he tells her.

"I'm Veronica." I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something about her that seems off. It's almost like she is shutting him down.
Archie seems to notice as well. He suddenly looks a bit nervous.

"So", he begins. "I saw you checking my out earlier?"
I sigh; not only because that makes him sound like a complete douche bag, but also as he says it like it's a question. But at the same time I feel kind of glad he messed it up. Does that make me a bad person?
Veronica laughs a bit and then looks back at him. Is that pity in her eyes? She clears her throat a bit.

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't", she says and Archie looks confused.

"But I thought", he starts and points in my direction. "I thought you were looking my way?"
Veronica bites her lip and I look away. All she did was bite her lip but something inside me feels like that gesture is to intimate to look at. A moment later I realize I want the lip she is biting to me mine. I want her, but I don't want to want her.

"I was looking your way but I wasn't looking at you." Suddenly she looks right at me. For the second time that night I frown my forehead in confusion. What is happening?
Archie looks at Veronica and then follows her sight. He stares at me for a moment, looking as confused as I feel, and then sighs in realization.

"Oh." He turns back to Veronica to say something, but he is too late. She has already got up and walks right at me.
The panic is bubbling inside me and so is the lust. I have no idée what is going to happened when she gets here, but I know I want her to.
I can't do anything else than stare at her. And suddenly she is standing right in front of me. She looks me in the eyes for a quick second before she grabs a pen from her bag and a napkin from the table right next to my hand. When she does her hand is so close to mine I can feel the heat from it. My heart skips a bit.
She writes something down and covers it with her hand so I won't be able to see. Not that I'm trying to. I can't stop looking at her face and that lip she is biting.
She turns the napkin upside down and just looks at me. Then she gives me a wink and leaves. She just leaves. Just like that.
I stare after her, watches her walking down the sidewalk and then disappear in the dark.
Then I look back at the napkin and turn it over. Written on the paper is a phone number and under that;

xoxo Veronica but instead of the dot over the i, she have drawn a tiny heart.

I look up again and stare into the dark she left behind her and my face is lit up by a smile. Maybe being the gay girl isn't a bad thing. Not if Veronica is to...

Thank you so much for reading this and if you have any; please leave requests!

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