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So....more about Kaylee Jackson!!! Yay! For me! I like talking about myself. Maybe not for you though. You're probably annoyed with me. Sorry!

I live in California. I have a ranch with horses and cows and pigs and chickens and 3 dogs.
I know you probably think, "Oh she has a ranch in Cali? I didn't even know there was a such thing!!!"
But I am here to assure you that California isn't just, "Let's hit the waves duuuuuude!" Or, "Uh oh we're on a drought!" California is soooo much cooler!
There are ranches. My neighbors live half a mile away from me. It's cool. And a workout when you need to borrow some sugar! 😂😂😂😂

I have barely any friends. I really don't have many school friends. But I sit with a group at lunch.
My friends=14
My true friends=4. And three of these are my dance friends.
I'm so socially awkward.

I am OBSESSED with Dance Moms!!!! (Yes, Brynn!)
Favorite: Excuse me? Did you just ask me about my FAVORITE on Dance Moms? Do you not know me?! I don't have a favorite!!! They are all gorgeous, amazing, beautiful, perfect, everything!!! I can't possibly choose!!!
Least Favorite: Nooooone. They are all my favorites.

I have this new disease. It is called Foodalism. I made it up!!! It basically means that you are in love with food. Sorry to scare you!!!

Anywaysers, if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to comment them!!!!


-Kaylee the Bestie

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