Just talk

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When Luke dropped me at my house as soon as I left the car I pushed the calling button and called Hels.
We talked through the whole evening and even a little bit of the night, too. Until she didn't fall asleep.
-Text him.
-No fucking way, what do you think?
-Don't swear. But seriously. If he didn't said what he said we wouldn't be talking right now. He deserves a text.
-Hels. Yes he helped and yes I should say thank you but! But I'm not going to admit that he is a good guy. What he did...Anyway, no.
-You know Lay sometimes I just don't understand you. You were always upset if someone was bringing up the past again and again but you are stuck in it. But it's you choice. I'm going to sleep. Are we talking tomorrow?
-Sure we are! Sweet dreams.
-Good night Lay.

I hate to admit if someone is right. But I had to that she was right. He deserves a thank you and also I should forget the past. I always say 'forget the past, it has a reason why it's called past etc etc'. He proved that he knows his mistake. And I am being a bitch with him. I don't like being a bitch.
'Hey. Thanks. For everything. Again...'
Ah no this is not good. I have to say straight what I want.
'Hey. Thanks again.I think I'm ready to move on the past. Are you free tomorrow for a little talk?'
And send.
Well I just have to wait for his answer. I'm kinda nervous about it. Actually I don't really know why.
An hour went by and he didn't reply.
This is so him. He is an asshole. I should have known this...But than my phone ringed with his name on the screen. And it was a FaceTime call! The fuck!
-Hey. Am I disturbing you?
-No, not really.
-So it is the right time to call, isn't it? Isn't it too late?
-Well yes it is the right time-I laughed.
-Ohm. You know what? Let's just talk. I'm really sorry. But you know that. I can't erase that mistake.
-Luke you can't. You know my whole family was in pieces. When mum found out that dad was cheating on her. Oh God. That period is the black par of my family history. I still didn't tell them that you was the one who made dad to choose that decision.
-But Layla if you would listen my aspect of the story...
-I'm here. I'm listening.
-But please don't stop me.
-I won't, I promise.
-When your dad, who was already drunk buy the way, came to me and told me that his wife is a bitch and their marriage is shit and he wants to leave her I had no idea that he was your dad. In the club it was half dark, your dad's face was not really visible. And you could ask 'then Luke how did he know your name?'. Simple. At that time people started to get to know me. I thought he was just another man who thought he knows me. Also he was really embarrassing in front of my friends. The first thing that came to my mind is to find another woman that can make him happy. I never said exactly to cheat. Of course he said that because than I could be the bad guy. -He finishes his story and run his hand through his hair.
-I need a moment-I took the telephone down and went out. Through my window I could sneak out and sit on the roof. I always did that if I wanted to think or some rest.
After a while I walked back to my phone ready to call him back but he didn't put it down.
-I'm here-I said with quavering voice.
-I didn't left so..
I brought the phone to the roof.
-I see. And. And I think I understand everything. And it's not your fault what he did. I think it was better to feel that not your dad is the bad. That he is still the one who called you princess, the loving father, the man that you respect-I was already crying. -But I have to admit that he is not that one, he changed. He did something that can't just stay in the past, like I always say. And it is not your fault. I am not mad anymore.
-Hey, princess. Don't cry. I can't stand when someone is crying. Everything is okay. I still love you.
-I still love you like I did. We were almost best friends. Who doesn't love their best friend?
-Oh right. So. So you don't think I'm a bitch?
-No. I don't think. But don't swear. It doesn't suits you. I have to admit I was pretty sure you are the meanest person because you never took my apology but it's okay. You know your fault.
-I love you,too. Buddy.
-Buddy-He smiled at the camera.

And than we just talked through the night.
It was 5am when we eventually stopped.

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