...The Storm

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Harry's POV

I can't believe what I heard. It stung me. I can't process it.

"Harry I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She broke down.

I can't help but hug her, She's in pain I can feel that and I don't want to add up to that.

"It's okay, It's my fault Kendall it's mine." I whispered.

She's Pregnant, I knocked her up. What am I supposed to do? I dont even know what to say, What about Taylor? I can't lose her but Kendall needs me. It's a complete mess. I'm screwed.

"It's okay if you won't recognize the baby Harry, I understand."

"No, just give me time to think. Everything doesn't make any sense right now." That's true It feels like everything is a joke

"Taylor, Harry what about Taylor you can't just leave her."

"No Kendall I'm not going to leave her, but she might leave me if I tell her and that's the end of me.." I said slightly annoyed at what she said.

"...s-sorry, then what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know Kendall, I really dont know. She deserves to know. I need to tell her." I said starting up the engine.

I dropped her in her apartment and on my way home I received a call from Taylor.

I don't know what to do. But still I answered it.


[Harry Styles, where are you?]

"Driving around NYC." I said shakily.

[You don't sound good babe, what's wrong?]

"No-nothing's wrong." I lied.

Taylor everything is falling apart. Everything is wrong nothings seems right. I might lose you and I don't want that.

[Okay? Change of plans meet me at Manhattan Library right now I'll be waiting for you.] She said and hungged up

Why does everything has to be complicated when Taylor's mine? Why does everything seems to start messing when I'm happy with Taylor. Dont we deserve to be Happy? We deserve a fair shot. But that seems very impossible. Didn't I get the timing right again? Or its just that she really is not for me?

I drove to the Manhattan Library and parked my car.

I called her phone as I entered the famous huge library in NYC.

"Where are you?" I asked while looking everywhere.

[Turn around babe.] I did what she said.

There I saw her grining widely at me. She's wearing a cap and shades to disguise herself.

I smiled at her and wore my shades.

She walked towards me and engulfed me in a tight embrace in the middle of the bookshelf's where there are no one but us.

"You don't seem happy to see me." Why does she know me so well.

"I'm happy of course. You completely ignored me for a month!" I kissed her.

"Lets go home?" She asked.

"Okay." I responded.

We headed to her apartment and It feels like my head is floating. It feels like I'm not with her.

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