The Last

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Taylor's POV

I told them everything and hurt are all evident in their eyes and faces.

"... But don't hate him, never hate him. Especially you guy, he needs friends who he can rely on right now because i wasn't the only who's very hurt and struggling about what happened. So please don't be mad at him, he needs you guys right now as much as I need friends. You know him, he wouldn't bother telling you his problems when he feels like he can handle it but the truth is it's really the opposite. He's strong I know but he needs you guys especially right now," I smiled at them and they just nodded even Sel, Karlie and El.

"And one more thing, this baby.." I hovered my hand above my belly.

"I would really love to keep our baby a secret. To the whole world and Even to him, don't let him know anything for now. It's not yet a good time. I want to give our baby a normal life so I'm planing on making my tour short and after that I'll be on break for who knows how long so I can take care of our baby."

They nodded in agreement.

"Gosh How I'm gonna miss Taylor Swifts songs." Niall fanboyed. Making us laugh more.

"And I think it's also time for me to take a break." Selena said eyes watery.

All of us looked at her in confusion.

Niall then went near Sel and the both of them looked at each other.

How I'm missing him. I miss doing that with him just simply staring into each others eyes and feeling everything all at once.

"I'm 1 month pregnant too!" She chirped making all of us smile.

"Not fair! You two are twinning! And you could've told us right Louis!" El protested.

"Yeah!" Louis agreed to El. The both of them never failed to make all of us laugh.

What would I do without friends like them. Atleast they still manage to make me happy.

After muttering some congrats to both Selena and I. My family arrived and they're all worried. Soon then I fell asleep feeling very exhausted.

Harry's POV

I arrived at the hospital where Taylor was rushed earlier and I was surprised by the number of people outside.

Her Swifties, I thought. But some of them has cameras. of course The paps would never miss this.

I covered my face and they didn't notice me so I got in safely and undetected.

I asked the nurse for her room politely and she gave me instructions.

I took the elevator and pressed the number to her floor.

I followed the nurse's instructions and When I turned to a hall I saw her dad, Austin and the rest of the lads outside. Sitting infront of her room.

As I walked towards them they all just looked at me. Disappointment and anger all in there eyes.

Austin stoop up and immediately grabbed the collar of my shirt. His fist landed on my face sending me straight to the floor. Breaking my shades, I can taste blood in the side of my lips but I can't feel any pain.

Scott and the others got a hold of him while Zayn and Liam helped me up.

"You still have the guts to show your face here after hurting my sister!?" He said angrily while being restrained.

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