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Taylor's POV

I woke up early today, this will be a very busy day because of the wedding.

I climed out of the bed and put my robe on. I glanced at the man soundly asleep on the bed, I'm dangerously inlove with this man. I leaned on the door frame of the adjoining bathroom and just simply stared at him, my barrowed time with him is nearly over and I might as well enjoy moments like this with him.

His facial features are all still the same despite the stubble he's been growing, he infact never aged at all. He is still a cupcake.

His hands reached to where I was at earlier at bed and he frowned when he couldn't touch someone. He jerked up and His eyes searched the room and I can see realief washed over him when he found me smiling at him.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked voice hoarse from sleep.

"I don't know I just want to memorize you, I want this memory with you to last." I didn't even realize that tears are already flowing down my face.

"C'mere." He stretched his hand for me to hold and I obliged.

He made me sat infront of him then he enveloped me in a tight embrace and wiped my tears from behind.

"Please don't cry baby. I'll be with you but not that often, not this close, we will not be able to hold each other for awhile but I will always be with you. That's good enough compared to nothing right? This is not Goodbye Taylor. We'll never say goodbye baby." He kissed the back of my head.

"I know, but the thought of seeing you with her kills me. I know I shouldn't feel that way because she's your girlfriend but I can't help it." He stayed silent for a while.

"We'll be fine. I'm gonna miss you babe."

"I'll miss you too." I answered.

He leaned back to the headboard and my head rested on his chest.

"We still have a few hours. What should we do?" I asked.

"We still need to tell this to Harvey." He played with my locks

"I'm most certain he wont understand but yeah we do need to atleast give him a hint so it wouldn't surprise him." I whispered.

"He doesn't have to understand baby. Ever since that day we spent with Lux in Central Park I always knew you'd be a great mum and I was never wrong. You did great in raising Harvey my love. How can I ever want anyone else besides you?"

"I don't want to end this just yet." I ran my fingers on his now short brown curls.

"It doesn't have to be. We'll make time." He kissed my forehead.

Harry and I got out of bed and wen't to the mini kitchen of the hotel suite we got.

"So do we order breakfast?" He asked sitting by the telephone.

"Definitely, spanish dishes are very delicious." I walked towards Harvey's room. I opened the door and he is still asleep. I inched closer and planted a soft kiss on his cheek and unintentionally it woke him up.

"Sweetie you can still go back to sleep it's still early." I cooed planting a kiss on his forehead.

He shook his head and wiped the sleep out of his eyes before he motioned for me to carry him.

I picked him up and he sleepily clung to me. Harry is still on the phone so I just stood by the balcony and watched the still calm waves.

Harvey lifted his head from my shoulder and cupped my face with his small hands.

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