I Want You To Stay

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Taylor's POV

I stood infront of Harry's apartment. I was about to open his door when it suddenly opened and the next thing I know is I'm wrapped in his arms. I hugged him back and pushed us inside.

He's still crying, and I can tell he's shaking.

"You'll stay right? You're gonna stay with me right love?" He sobbed.

I pushed him gently and stared in his eyes. Tears are threatening to fall from my eyes but I still managed to give him a comforting smile and wipe his tears.

"Just tell me Taylor, tell mr pyou'll stay. Tell me you want to stay with me."

"I want to stay Harry, Of course i do but this isn't about me darling..."

"Then tell me you want me to stay, I'll give up everything Taylor for you, just to be with you I'd do anything just tell me please." He cried harded.

"I want you to stay Harry, Everyone who knows about us would want you to stay... And believe me Harry, i want you to stay more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. But that's what I want and I could see now why it isn't the right thing for you to do, I could see now that staying will not be the best and right thing for us to do..." Tears started to fall from my eyes.

"So... I-I just wanted to tell you that It's okay if you go, it's okay if you leave me. I understand, I completely do Harry. It hurts, yes It does but we both know that it will only hurt more if we choose to stay and it will not just hurt the both of us but it will also hurt Kendall and your baby.."

"No, please.." He begged.

I knelt down and lifted his head so i can wipe his tears.

" Losing you is inevitable. It is something that's destined to happen even if we didn't want to, it is something I never planned on happening. Losing you is like losing a big part of me somewhere, a part of me that will continue to ache until we meet again."

"This decision is nowhere near easy for me to make, because who would want to lose the love of your life right? Who would want to lose the person who feels like home? Who would want to lose your other half? I guess Destiny got us tricked again. And I swear this is the cruelest thing it did to us."

"Timing is a funny thing Harry, but what's funnier is that we never got our timing right. Every time we are Haphppy together something has to go wrong, it's like the whole universe conspires just to not let the both of us be Happy together. And I think it's a way of the Universe to tell us that we... That the both of us are not meant for each other. As cruel as it may sound but i think it's true."

"I remember how you always wanted to be a dad, how you always wanted to have a baby.... Here it is Harry, in nine months time you'll be a father. I'm sorry if I couldn't even give you what you want because I've been so busy for you. I'm sorry,"

"I just want to tell you how much I love you, i love you more than anything in this world, I love you more than words can ever say. And I just want to tell you that even though we didn't get our timing right again, I'll be here for you, I'll be waiting because I still believe that you are my once in a lifetime. I'll wait for our right time and who knows maybe we'll make it work by that time. God I love you so much that I don't want to let you go." I shed a tear.

"But this is all that's left to do, I'll never forget you Harry. Don't worry about me, I'll manage. It hurts but I will manage. Someday maybe years from now we'll meet again somewhere we always used to go, or a coffee shop in a far away city and who knows by then we can give it another shot, another fair shot to prove that we are really meant for each other... So this is goodbye? I guess? I'm greatful that I once had someone like you and I will treasure every memory we had forever. I'm gonna miss you. And don't worry when I find someone else which is I think impossible you'll be the first one to know but to be honest no one can replace you, you are carved in my heart and you will stay in my heart forever."

"Take care of your child okay? For me? Promise me you'll do that. Promise me you'll give your child a happy family.
And Kendall please love her, love her with all your heart. She's a great person, I know. and she deserves to be loved." I took off our engagement ring and stared at it for the last time remembering the day he slipped it into my finger I never removed it since then.

I took his hand and placed it in his palm and closed it.

"Give her this ring, Marry her build a family with her, make her happy, and never treat her, never treat them like a mistake. I want you to be happy Harry, I want all of the best things in this world for you. And I hope you know that I will love you forever. Goodbye Harry." I kissed his forehead and stood up but he held my arm and pulled me.

He hugged me, he didn't say anything but I know he wants me to tell him to stay, he wants me to tell him that we'll fight together. He didn't want to let go and I didn't also want to.

"Let's Stay, just for one last time lets stay together" His voice almost airy.

I stayed with him, for one last time. We spent the day lying on the couch tangled together, no one dared to say a single word, both afraid that if we did the pain will only continue to agonize us. But even if we don't say a word it's still hurts like hell.

I can't believe that this will be the last time we'll do this.

"Are you ever sorry?" He finally broke the silence by asking a very non specific question.

I adjusted my position so I can look at him. And I gave him a smile before shaking my head.

"No there are many things to be sorry for but loving you isn't one of them." He frowned at me.

"What are the things you are sorry about, then?" I sat up and he held my hand.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't quite right for you. That you weren't quite right for me. That the timing wasn't quite right for us. We were never lacking in love. It wasn't ever a question of whether we loved each other enough or not, because if love could fill the whole room - ours would have needed more space." I flashed a sad smile and I can see in his face that his heart is breaking all over again too.

"But yo-you do know I-I love yo-you so much right?" His voice cracked while popping the question.

I squeezed his hand and nodded.

"I know, my love. I know. But even the greatest of loves cannot withstand the war of this world. And no matter how we loved each other, it wasn't a war we are supposed to win." A tear escaped from my eye.

He wiped the tear away. And cupped my face.

"I don't want to see you cry, especially if it's because of me. I want you to be always happy, even if I'm not the reason anymore." He kissed my nose while tears are escaping from his eyes.
Then he kissed my lips.

"Hmmm, how I'm gonna miss that." A sad smile crept on my face.

"I'm gonna miss doing that too." I kissed his lips, but this time a lingering one.

This is our last so I might as well enjoy every last second with him before it's gone.

We spent the last few hours together cuddling, stealing kisses and glances. Basically doing the things we used to do on a lazy sunday.

We fell asleep in the couch together, when I woke up at six am the next morning he's gone. He already left and I know he wont come back any sooner.

By that time i realized I really lost him I broke down in tears.

He's gone I lost him. I lost the only real thing I have.

I know at some point of my life I would regret my decision and wish I'd never said any of those but what else is left to do?

The pain in my heart is very unbearable. And I know that he's the only one who can make all of the pain he caused go away.

But atleast he left me something more than just a memory and I'm sure this will be a constant reminder of our love through the years that'll pass by without him.

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