Chapter 3: Everything Happens for a Reason

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I ascended the staircase and entered my room unnoticed. I ran around my room jumping and dancing until I remembered my phone, I never checked to see what he did to it. I exhaustedly flopped onto my bed and sighed. I pulled out my phone and clicked it on. Instantly I saw change, he had switched my background to a pic of himself. I giggled, he's so cute. I checked my contacts hoping he left his number. Thankfully, he did along with a few texts. The first read: "Hey glad to have met you, text me when you get this." The second time he wrote: I have some pretty freaking awesome ideas for our date. I had to keep re-reading this one. "I guess it really is a date" Finally the last one is simply: TTYL can't wait. I absentmindedly smiled. 

After I re-entered reality, I texted back: Hey just got ur texts. Can't wait to hear them!!! TTYL. I called Angelia. "Sup." She answered. "Hey Angelia, just wondering if you got Nate's number." I said back. "Yeah I did!" She exclaimed proudly. "You'll never believe what he texted me!" She continued. "Well tell me idiot!" I replied unpatiently. "We are going to dinner tomorrow at 8!" She answered. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you." I said halfheartedly. "I know that voice, how's it going with Destery." She queried concerningly. "You're crazy it's amazing he confirmed it was a date, now I'm just waiting for him to text back." I said. "That's great so I'll let you go, I'll talk to you later, ba-bye." She spoke. *ding* "FINALLY" I checked my texts to see: Ugh finally you wrote back! K so nate told me he was taking your friend to dinner...and that sounds really fucking boring ssooo I was thinking we could do something more fun..We could even stay home and play games and stuff idk. 

I quickly thought of words to reply with and instantly them. I wrote: Wow I find it hard to believe you actually waited, if you did that's really cute lol, anyways idc whatever you want would be great i'm not picky :P. I laid my head back and smiled. He's so cute and sweet and caring. I feel like I've known him forever. I wish I met him sooner but I am quite lucky for this opportunity, Angelia would have called it fate...maybe it was.

A ding interrupted my train of thought. He wrote: Well then might as well keep it cheap..jk. Text me ur address and I'll pick you up at 8 if thats ok. Me: NO we can meet somewhere then you can take me or you text me ur address. Des: Y u scared or something dude. Me: Ya of my parents. they're assholes so is my brother. Des: K then I'll pick up at the same starbucks gtg ttyl <3. Me: k bye...<3. Wow...does he really like me or is he just trying to get in my pants...well I hope it's the first but I'll settle for the second...JK! As if on an evil queue, I heard a loud knock on my door, and in a less than a moment a series of drunken mumbles. "Yes." I answered as innocently as possible, hiding my fear. 

"Answer the door slut!" My father grumbled. I knew what he'd do to me if I stayed. The same thing that always happened when he was drunk. I couldn't take it. No no no!!! "Coming" I lied. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and thrust open my window. I put my out my legs one by one. Then looked at the view. Let's just say heights were never a friend of mine. "Dear god." I whispered to myself. I gulped and started to descend. I made it safely down even though it seemed like ages. Perfect timing to. I heard my door break down. "Where are you bitch!!" I heard my father roar. I began to run down the street in complete peril. I didn't stop until I reached the one place, the one place where the start of a better life began...Starbucks. 

I pushed open the door and walked in, head down so no one could see the tears streaming down my face. I looked up just for a moment to see Destery. "W-w-what are you doing here." I stuttered. "I forgot my ipod, but that doesn't matter. Are you okay?" He asked genuinely concerned. I couldn't even talk anymore the tears were coming so fast. I rushed to the bathrooms. He tried stopping me but I pushed past him. I opened one of the stalls, stepped in, fastened the lock, and let everything out. I heard a gentle knock.

"Hey it's me...I've never been very good with uh emotional stuff." He started. I let out a breathy laugh. "Um I just want to talk can we go somewhere...I can take you home...or to my place." He suggested. "This isn't your problem I can't do this to you." I replied silently. "Are you kidding?" He began. "C'mon I'll take you to my house." He continued. I wiped my face and opened the door. He offered his hand and I took it. He carefully helped me up and pulled me into an embrace.  I started to cry again. "Shh." He said comfortingly. He never let go of me until we walked up to the car. He softly kissed me on my forehead. I couldn't stop smiling and he joined me in the act. He opened the door for me and I sat down. "Comfy." I giggled. "You can say that I guess." He confirmed. The whole way there he held my hand and comforted me sweetly as ever. 

"Here we are!" He announced. We slowly opened the door together. "Nate is still sleeping." Des informed me. "K, I'll be quiet." I replied. "What the fuck is going on!" Said a sleepy voice. We both turned and saw Nathan almost naked, just wearing boxers. I quickly covered my face so he couldn't see I was laughing, but a snort was just the beginning of a whole line of laughing. It didn't take long for Destery to join in either. "Shit." Nathan muttered. "Come on sooo not funny." He continued, walking off. "I'm going to bed you guys continue your latenight booty-call or whatever it is you're up to." He finished. 

Destery lead me to his room and gestured for me to sit on his bed, as he did. "Whenever you're ready to talk just talk I'll wait." He offered, while holding my hand with both of his. "Okay, are you sure it's kind of a long story." I said to him. "I have all night, my dear." He answered. So I told him everything that has happened all from the start, and for the first time someone actually listened, besides Angelia. He brought me closer. I tried looking away, but he placed two fingers uder my chin and tilted up my face. He leaned in for a kiss but I couldn't budge...until his lips met mine.

We both closed our eyes as our lips tenderly pressed together. It felt so warm. I ran my hand through his soft black hair as I pushed harder against him. He teasingly nibbled my lower lip and then we both looked into eachothers eyes. He placed my hair behind my ears and gently tapped me on the nose. With anyone else I would have thought  it was totally cliche..but he was different. "I love you" I mouthed. "Hmm?" He asked, with a smile still spread across his lips. I just shrugged in return. My phone buzzed, but I didn't care. I threw it behind me onto a pile of laundry. The only thing that mattered was him, not Angelia, not my family, just him, and I wouldn't let anything else ruin the moment. I nuzzled my face into his neck and fell asleep, dreaming of him the entire night.


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