Chapter Nine; Say what?

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"No freaking way!! Stella this is huge!" Claire jumps up and down. Chase tries not to act like he's listening but he has a smile plastered across his face as we eat lunch at Claire's place.

"No its no big deal, really. He said he 'could' like me. Not that he does" I confirm with Claire thinking about the words I just spoke.


"I'm so happy for you guys! I knew it all along. New hot girl comes to school and tames the hot tameless bad boy!" She Squeals in excitement .

Chase looks up "did you just call Mendes the hot tameless bad boy?" He smirks and she puts her hand over her mouth and gasp realizing what she just said.

"Its okay" I laugh and so does she "it's true, that's my charm, taming bad boys from country to country" I wipe my mouth with a napkin.

"So he told you about magcon then?" She takes another bite of her food.

"Magcon? What?" I ask confused. She looks up at me with a look that shows pure fear

"Stella I thought he told you I'm sorry. You have to wait until he tells you I can't" she shakes her head. Chase looks up at her and gives her a "what did you do" type of a look.

"Whatever it is I can handle it, what is it?" I question setting down my fork onto my plate.

"Just ask him today , I'm sure he won't mind telling you. I just can't . I'm sorry I thought you already knew!" She plays with her hair nervously. I begin to stand up to leave and gather my things.

"Stella where are you going?" Claire ask worriedly

"I'm going to ask him, you have me worried" I unlock my car and jump in.

I shoot him a quick text telling him I'm on my way way over and then I start the short drive.

Magcon? I have no idea what that is. It's probably nothing so I don't know why I'm so nervous about it. I think because Claire and chase made such a huge deal about it.

As soon as I reach his house I see he's already outside.

"Is everything okay?" He runs over to my car.

"Yeah , um I just had a question" he nods and tells me to continue.

"What's magcon?" I ask and he breathes out heavily. "Turn your car off and come inside." He cusses under his breath but I can still hear him as he walks away.
Ugh oh...

It can't be that bad right? Everyone's probably making a huge deal out of nothing.

I park my car inside of his garage and make my way inside of his house. There are no other cars inside of the driveway so I'm assuming it is just me and him.

"Hello?" I call once I'm in the living room.

"I'm upstairs!" He calls back. I walk up the foyer and into the hallway which leads to 6 different rooms. All the doors are closed except for one . I walk in to see a bed which Shawn is sitting on.

"Look around" he stares at his ceiling.

There are posters and pictures of him everywhere. Multiple pictures are of him and other boys who look familiar. Multiple are of small girls who are holding up signs that say "we love you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes" and others saying "Mrs.Mendes"

He has a guitar and a piano inside of his room placed perfectly in the corner.

"What is all this?" I sit down next to him taking in all of the pictures and posters.

"Magcon stands for meet and greet convention. It's where all of my fans came and paid money to meet me and some other cool guys who I considered brothers at the time" he explains.

"Your fans?" I question him and he nods.

"You already knew I sang, but I write songs. Really really good songs. I would post vines every day and eventually I got famous off of them. That's when I toured around Canada and America to meet all of my fans" he breathes out.

"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" I look around at all of the pictures. He looks so happy in them. He looks like the great sweet humble him that I know.

"I didn't want to be famous, I never did. I wanted to play music but I didn't want all the fame that came with it" he shrugs and I nod acting like I understood but I really didn't. Who doesnt want fame ?

"It was nice for a while" he continues "but it was overwhelming. Maybe one day I can do it again but for right now it's in my past and I would like to keep it there" he plays with his fingers in his lap nervously.

"That's what I mean when I said music paid for this house"

Suddenly it all made sense. He got money from the tours which paid for this beautiful house. And at the party he said he only sings for fun now.

"Okay, can you sing me some of your songs?" I ask sitting down next to him taking his hands into mine.

"Yeah I will I promise.. I just can't right now" he says sincerely. I smile and he smiles back at me.

I finally feel as though we are taking a few steps forward and no steps back. It's relieving. I feel as though I can breathe again.

"Homecomings next week, would you wanna go?" He whispers and I nod happily

"Yeah, I've never been to one more" I lay down instead of sitting.

"It's our senior year so I kinda figured it would be a good to go to one last dance" he shrugs acting like it's not a big deal but I can see the smile that's plastered across his face.

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