#16 He helps you raise your sibling

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Ashton: You and Ashton had been friends for a while and he knew how your family was and that you were left taking care of your younger brother and he always wanted to help but you didn't want to bother him with it. You worked multiple jobs to try to keep everything going but soon it became to much and you called Ashton in tears "Ash you know how you said you were always there?" "Of course! y/n what is wrong?" "I can't do it anymore it's all to much I need your help!"
A Few months later....
Everything was back on track. Ashton Moved in with you and your brother. While you worked Ashton stayed home and took care of him and when you came home he would make dinner and you and he would spend all kinds of time together. It was almost like your family was back together again. It wasn't a "normal" family but it was your family and you loved both your boys so much you wouldn't change anything for the world.

Michael: When your parents died your life stopped. Nothing was ever going to be okay again and you had no idea how to pick up and move on. Your parents left you everything but what you didn't know is that they left you the legal guardian of you sister and brother. Your sister was 9 and your brother was 4. You had no idea how to be a mother that was your mom's job. Michael knocked on your door one day right after you had become their guardians. You answered the door to see Michael with bags surronding him and his playstation in his arms. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Moving in DADDY'S HOME!" He yelled walking past you to the tv to hook up his playstation. "What?" "You're the strongest person I know and I also know that you would never ask for help even if you were drowning so I'm here to help you not because you asked but because I want to" "Why?" You asked. "Because I love you and I love Declan and Cora and I want you to be okay"

Calum: You and Calum had started dating not to long ago and when people asked how you met the two of you always laughed. Your parents had left you and your younger sister one day to go to dinner and they never came back. Calum had come over that night to help babysit and never left. When you knew they weren't coming back Calum decided it was time for him to step in and help you. It was a situation not many 18 year olds find themselves but that is exactly where you and Calum found yourselves. BUt with his help you were able to take over the parent role and take care of your younger sister.

Luke: When you were 2 and your brother was just a few weeks old your parents left you in the care of your aunt and left and never came back. Your aunt took care of you until you were 18 and your brother was 16 then she kicked you out with no where to go. You and Luke had been dating for a year now so you called and begged to move in with him "of course you can move in with me why would you even think I would say no?!" Since your brother was old enough he really didn't need to be overly taken care of like a baby but he definitely needed a man in his life to show him how to be and you knew Luke could be that. Luke loved showing your brother everything he knew. He didn't act like his dad because he knew he wasn't but he loved being his friend and taking care of him.

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