Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Hello, is anyone here?" I heard a masculine voice spoke. "Um, I don't know of anyone else, but I'm here." I called out to the voice. "And who're you? A disembodied voice?" Damn, that was sassy. I'm not even mad at that.

"Thanks, but seriously, who're you?" It questioned.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did. You also didn't answer me, so answer." The male voice spoke with authority.

"I'm Scarlett Harmon, witch, mythology enthusiasts, and mother of dragons." I added the Game of Thrones reference to see if this blank, empty, dark space is just another of my weird ass dreams.

"I'm Jacob Black, warlock, basketball enthusiasts, and best ultimate alpha of all alpha's, ever."

Well, that took a turn into total weirdom. "I may be a witch, but I've never met anyone like me before, so please don't hate me if I say something completely irrelevant?" Slowly sitting down, I putting my hands down so they would touch the ground before I did. So if there happened to be a obstacle in my way, I'd be okay and know ahead of time.

It took a while before he responded. "Wait, are you the one that Lily told us about? The one who's born into a human family?" I thought back to the day before and remembered that the nurse's name was Lily Sarh. She also said that she'd send someone over for "transportation" to the others. "Lily as in Lily Sarh? That was the nurse at the hospital's name." I answered, hoping to figure if this is actually just a really fucked dream or not.

I could hear a loud thud and then vibrations to mach. "You know, it's really weird that I can't see you. Do you have an invisibility potion or ornament of some kind?" He asked, only a few feet away from me. "No, I believe that I'm dreaming. I can't see anything and can only feel your vibrations through the earth." I explain as I stay where I am, rocking back and forth.

He paused and I could feel him tapping his fingers on a rock nearby. As he did so, I could feel it's thoughts. "Who is this child?" And me being me, I decided to answer it. "Hello, I am Scarlett Harmon. I am the twin of Violet Harmon, daughter of Ben and Vivien Harmon. I have a wolf named Tikaani and he's my protector." I finished in one whole breath.

I suppose that Jacob was too confused as he asked who I was talking to. "Oh, sorry. The rock that you were tapping on asked who I was." Now, I know that I can't see anything as of right now, but I was almost positive that he was giving me the Jackie Chan meme; or was at least giving me a what the hell look. "I'm guessing that you're a Terra
Dominus, Earth Master." He assumed.

I felt a shift in the atmosphere and felt a cold touch on my right shoulder, making me scream. It was so uncalled for that I jumped up immediately and ran. "Wait!" He yelled at me, but I was too freaked out. I just wanted to be back with Tikaani, my music, and books. As I felt the Earth under my feet, I could hear the souls of the plants welcoming me with kind words. "My child, what is troubling you?"

I turned my head towards the soothing voice. "I don't exactly know, but what I do know that it was cold." I responded reaching out to touch the vessel. I find it comforting to know not only have a voice, but physical evidence that I'm not crazy. "Walk a little to the left child, position your legs as the mother does." Doing as she said, I felt the rough and jagged texture that was tree bark. "There we go. Now, I cannot feel your physical form, but you can obviously feel mine. Meaning that you are still tethered to the earth, so I would ask Jacob. He is a Spiritum Dominus, or a Spirit Master." She told me as I turned around and pressed my back to her trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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