The Universe

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The universe decides how life goes,
she decides every part of your life.
Your shoes, your underwear, your breakfast.
Your future, your mental state, your love.
Nothing is untouched by the universe.

Your brain may be yours,
but the universe knows what you think,
your dreams,
your hopes,
your aspirations.

Sometimes the universe goes your way,
gives you no red lights,
gives you a good morning text,
gives you no traffic,
gives you a friend.

But, the universe takes,
takes your confidence,
takes your will to life,
takes your acceptance,
takes your you.

What do you do when the universe takes?
What can be done?
What can be said?

Say no, say not me, say not today.
Tell the universe that you are the boss.
Tell the universe that it is your bitch.
Tell the universe that you will win.
Tell the universe that you will smile.

Take the bad and make it good.
See the bright side of the dark.
He may not love you, but you love yourself.
The sun may not shine, but dance in the rain.
You may freeze, but at least you feel.

You may not want to live, but why die?
Why let the universe win?
Why not soak in what good the universe has?
Why not look at the stars and feel small?
Why not look at the ground and feel big?

The universe is a bitch.
But don't let that be it.
Be the better bitch.


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