(9) Raising Madison

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Raising Madison

Chapter 9

Preston’s POV

Except for the awkward silence in the car everything went well. The zoo was really amazing and I could tell that Madie loved watching the animals. Brooklyn really seemed to be enjoying herself as well and I could see she wasn’t just pretending to like Madie. They laughed and played all the way and I felt myself warming up to Brooklyn, maybe she can be a good friend, maybe I can tell her about Katie and how hard it’s been.

Everything seemed to be gong perfectly but that soon changed when Madie decided to call Brooklyn Mommy. It was so sudden and unexpected that I completely freaked out, yelling at Madie that Brooklyn wasn’t her mom and that she shouldn’t call her that. I know I shouldn’t have reacted that way and that it wasn’t Brooklyn or Madie’s fault but it shocked me and brought out all the anger I was holding inside. Katie is Madie’s mother, nobody else and when Madie is old enough I will tell her about Katie and how amazing she was.

Needless to say, it all went downhill after that. Brooklyn avoided talking or even looking at me and I kept Madie with me, not wanting her to go close to Brooklyn. I know it was childish but I was scared that she might call her Mommy again and I wouldn’t know what to do. We decided to go home shortly after the incident since Madie started getting fussy anyway, she fell asleep in the car and we drove back home in silence.

“I… I’m sorry about what happened,” I said when we finally reached my apartment.

“Its fine,” Brooklyn sated as she got out of the car but I could hear that it wasn’t fine. I shouldn’t have yelled like that, it wasn’t her fault.

“No it’s not, I shouldn’t have acted like that. I just get a bit emotional and crazy when I think of….,” I started saying but trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

“When you think of what?” Brooklyn questioned, looking both irritated and concerned at the same time. I didn’t know that was possible.

“It doesn’t matter. Thanks for coming with and sorry again,” I aid as I opened the back door and picked Madie up out of her seat. She fussed a bit but didn’t wake up.

“Ok, I guess I better get going then,” Brooklyn stated. I nodded my head in agreement and then watched her leave.

Once she was completely out of sight I gathered Madie’s bag and then headed upstairs to our apartment while cursing myself silently all the way. Why the hell did I react like that? Why do I keep on pushing Brooklyn away when all I really wanted to do was tell her what was going on?

I put Madie in her crib once we were inside and then laid down on my bed. I felt so empty and alone since Katie died. It’s a horrible feeling but I guess it’s here to stay. I sighed and pushed all the thought of the day out of my head and tried to focus on something else.

I needed to get Madie a bed, she is getting too big for her crib and I think it is about time since she is almost completely potty trained. I also need to go buy groceries again, I’ve run out of almost everything so I’ve basically been living off of microwave dinners and fast food.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts and I dug it out of my jeans pocket and looked at the screen. It was Brooklyn phoning. It took me a few second before I pressed the answer button. I wasn’t sure if I was in the right state of mind to talk to her but ignoring her will only make things worse.

“Hi,” I said, wondering why she was phoning, if I was her I wouldn’t phone me.

“Hi, I… uhm just wanted to make sure you are ok,” Brooklyn said, her voice giving away that she was nervous.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied feeling even guiltier than before, she is way too nice to me.

“That’s… good, I also wanted to apologize. I never meant for that to happen,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

“It’s not your fault. Brooklyn, Madie really likes you and I guess I shouldn’t have been that surprised. She’s going to day care now and all the kids there have mommies. I guess she just assumed you were hers.” I said trying to make her feel better and convince myself.

“Yeah, that’s probably what happened, but still, I feel bad, I could see how much it upset you,” she said causing me to get really angry at myself. I’ve been acting like a complete jerk lately.

“Please don’t feel bad, I was completely out of line and I’ll understand if you don’t want to watch Madie anymore,” I replied hating the thought of losing her but wanting to give her the choice. I wouldn’t want to work for me with the way I’ve been acting.

“No! Of course I still want to babysit Madie, I’ve grown to love her and I… I like you. I can tell that you have some problems that you need to deal with but I can also see that you are a great and descent guy and I’d like to be your friend. Everybody needs somebody who they can rely on,” she stated and I could actually imagine her blushing while she said those words. The image brought a smile to my face and I couldn’t help but feel happy.

“Thanks Brooklyn and I would love to be your friend,” I said feeling a bit silly but giddy at the same time. I haven’t had a real friend for a while now.

“Good because I was thinking that I could make you a proper dinner. I’ve seen the inside of your fridge and from the looks of it I don’t think you’ve had one in a while,” she said sounding hopeful.

“A real meal sounds great,” I stated, still smiling.

“Then it’s settled, I’ll be there in about half an hour, she said and then hung.

I stared at my phone for a while, wondering if I did the right thing but decided to push all my doubts from my mind and just see how it goes. I can really use a friend right now.

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