(19) Raising Madison

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Raising Madison

Chapter 19

Brooklyn’s POV

We spoke for a little while longer but I didn’t ask any more questions about Katie. Preston had opened up to me and that is more than I could ask for. It was getting late so I said goodbye and headed home, hoping that in some way our talk helped him. I didn’t want to leave him though, I wanted to stay with him and learn everything there is to know about him. I really like him and I’ve been having feelings for him that I probably shouldn’t. It is very obvious that he is still in love with Katie and I doubt that I can live up to her anyway. She seemed to be perfect in every way, unlike me. I’m not that good a person at all.

I sighed and sped up my car, wanting to get home so that I could get into bed and forget about everything. Forget about Preston and forget about the baby...  I really didn’t want to remember but ever since I’ve been hanging around Madie the memories of her has been haunting me.

I reached my house a few minutes later and literally jumped out of the car and ran to my room, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to come. If my parents saw me crying they would start asking questions and as far as they are concerned the whole baby thing never happened. They wanted me to forget and move on and to be honest I’ve been managing ok. It was difficult in the beginning but as time passed it became  easier, it’s only since I’ve been watching Madie that it’s become worse again.

Preston’s POV

When Brooklyn left I checked on Madie and then went to bed. It took me a while to fall asleep but I finally managed and to my surprise I only woke up once during the night and that was when Madie cried. I soothed her, gave her her bottle and then when she went back to sleep I did to.

I spent Sunday with Madie. I took her to the park and we played outside for most of the day. I considered phoning Brooklyn to invite her with but changed my mind, having to remind myself that she had her own life.

The following week passed by slowly but it went well and I was grateful when Brooklyn phoned me Monday night after work. We chatted for a while but I think she was just checking up on me to see if I was still managing ok. She phoned me again on Wednesday and when Friday night rolled by I gathered enough courage to phone her and invite her over again. This time I claimed that I was tired and needed help with Madie though. I didn’t want to admit that I actually just wanted to see her to her or myself. She agreed happily and arrived at my doorstep a few minutes later.

She looked comfortable in jeans, a t shirt and her hair pulled back into a pony tail but still stirred up emotions in me that I wish would just go away. I like her, she is a really nice girl and Madie likes her to but I can’t let anything happen between us. I can’t cheat on Katie, she deserves better than that. I sighed at my own thoughts knowing how crazy they are and let her in.

She greeted Madie with a big hug and once again I found myself wanting to give her a hug too. I cursed myself silently and offered her something to drink.

She accepted happily and started playing with Madie while I headed to the kitchen.

Relax, I said to myself as I made our coffee. Relax and just be yourself. Nothing is going to happen if you don’t want it to. But what if I do? I asked myself. What if I do want something more than friendship from Brooklyn? I couldn’t answer my own question because I honestly had no idea. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to have a normal relationship with her and in all honestly I have no idea if she would even be interested.

I made my way back into the living room and smiled at what I saw. Madie was hanging onto Brooklyn with the biggest smile on her face. Brooklyn is really amazing with her and I found myself just standing there staring at them. They looked so happy, almost like mother and daughter I thought but as soon as the thought crossed my mind I regretted it. Katie is Madie's mother and nobody will ever be able to take her place I told myself as l joined them, not wanting to watch them play anymore.

“Daddy!” Madie called when she saw me, making a dive for me. I tried to keep my balance and was mostly successful except for dropping one of the cups. Coffee splashed everywhere and I watched as Madie’s face changed from a smile to a frown.

“It’s ok,” I reassured her as Brooklyn jumped to her feet and rushed to the kitchen.

Madie started crying and I scooped her up into my arms before she could hurt herself with the broken pieces of the cup that was strewn across the floor.

Brooklyn helped me clean up the mess and I couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. She is my babysitter and my friend and although it didn’t look like she minded, she didn’t’ have to.

Raising Madison (The third book in the 'The girl in the attic trilogy')Where stories live. Discover now