(15) Raising Madison

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Raising Madison

Chapter 15

Preston’s POV

I woke to the smell of frying bacon and my stomach growled automatically. I rolled over and nearly fell off of the couch, having forgotten that I wasn’t sleeping on my bed.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” Brooklyn said, from the kitchen door and I looked up to see her smiling at me.

“You should have,” I replied, getting to my feet.

“You needed the sleep,” she stated and then made her way back into the kitchen. I looked around me and couldn’t quite believe what I saw. The living room had been cleaned and except for the broken things, everything looked in place.

I made my way into the kitchen and found that it was clean too. Brooklyn was busy dishing up.

“You really didn’t have to do all of this, it was my mess, I would have cleaned it,” I said, feeling a bit angry, not at her of course but because she must have gotten up really early and she spent her time cleaning up after me.

“It was no problem,” she said and then sat down. I sat down opposite her and looked at the food. She had made toast, bacon and eggs.

“Where did you get the food?” I asked, knowing there was nothing edible in my apartment.

“I went to the all hours shop early this morning. I was hungry and figured you could do with another good meal.

“You really didn’t have to do all of this, I don’t deserve it.” I stated feeling really guilty. I’ve been nothing but a complete asshole towards her and she’s been nothing but nice to me. I didn’t deserve for her to care about me.

“Of course you do, it’s just time that you realize it,” she said and then started eating. I didn’t say anything, I just sat there for a while staring at her.

“Your food is getting cold,” she said, looking up at me.

“Sorry and thank you,” I said and then started eating.

The food tasted amazing and when we were done I insisted on washing up. Brooklyn didn’t look to happy when I refused to let her help me but she gave in and sat down at the table, watching me curiously.   Her gaze made me feel self conscious and I realized that I’ve never felt that way before. I had no idea what it meant but it did give me a sudden urge to go take a shower and change my clothes, so when I was done cleaning up I excused myself and did exactly that. I still looked a mess though, probably needing a few more meals and a lot more sleep but I felt slightly better and decided that it was time to go see my parents and get my baby back. My apartment wasn’t back to its old self yet, but it was clean and the things that I broke are just going to have to wait to be replaced because I really needed to see Madie.

“I think it’s time to go to my parents,” I said as I walked into the living room. Brooklyn was sitting on the couch, trying to fix a broken photo frame.

“Are you sure you are ready?” she asked, looking up at me.

“Yeah, I really want to bring Madie home,” I replied, my stomach spinning with nerves.

“Ok, let’s go then,” she said, getting up and walking over to me. Her words surprised me a bit, I didn’t think she would be coming with but the fact that she was made me feel slightly better.

We drove to my parent’s house in my car and Brooklyn walked with me to the door, all the way trying to make me feel better. She really is an amazing person.

I couldn’t get myself to ring the doorbell though so after staring at it for a few seconds Brooklyn pressed it and soon the door flew open and I was faced by my parents. They looked both relieved and angry to see me.

“I… I’m really sorry,” I said, hoping that they would forgive me for my stupid behavior.

“Where were you?” my mom asked, worriedly.

“I just drove around, I had to think, I had to get my head straight,” I replied, trying to explain it to them.

“And did you?” my dad asked, his voice even but his eyes giving away his concern.

“Yes,” I answered, confident that I was going to do better from now on.

“Ok then, how about I go fetch Madie?” my mom said and then hurried off.

We followed my dad into the living room where he sat down. I on the other hand made my way closer to the stairs, unable to wait to see my beautiful baby girl. My mom came down first and then Madie followed, struggling down the stairs.

“She insists on doing it on her own,” my mom said but I didn’t reply. I was way too focused on Madie and as soon as my mom was out of the way I ran up the stairs and picked her up into my arms, hugging her tightly.

“I’ve missed you my baby,” I whispered as I broke the hug and kissed her softly on her forehead.

“Missed you Daddy,” she said, looking at me with her big brown eyes that reminded me so much of Katie and I knew that I would never leave her again.

Raising Madison (The third book in the 'The girl in the attic trilogy')Where stories live. Discover now