Chapter 13

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As the Fairy Tail team trained Law's spies kept a close eye on them, Natsu had been able to control his fire dragon slayer magic and his lighting dragon slayer magic even able to combine the two. The others were able to advance their skills within their own magical properties, Mavis and Makerov sat by watching their young members train.

"Yes? What is it first?" He asked
"Once you all make it to the capital there will be someone waiting for you" she cryptically answered
"You'll see, I just have to tell him to be expecting you"

She then vanished in a flash of yellow light leaving Makerov confused.

Law's Shop

Law sat at his shop's counter quietly reading a book as he waited for customers.

"Didn't expect to see you here" he said without turning away from his book
"You noticed me did you?" Mavis asked in a chuckle
"What do you want?" He asked
"I want you to join the Fairy Tail guild's team in the upcoming magic game" she answered with excitement

He flipped a page continuing his reading as she waited for a response.

"No" he plainly answered
"What? Why? Please this could help figure out what that mysterious energy is!!" She said with shock
"You just want to win the tournament don't you?" He retorted
"W-well t-that's only half the reason!" She shouted trying to hide it

He paused in his reading sighing.

"Why me?" He asked
"Because I know for a simple fact you are one of the strongest members in the guild" she answered with a stoic face

Another silence came across as she stared at him waiting for a response.

"Sure, I'll join" he answered
"Yay! But you won't join the main team"
"Main team, I see your going to exploit that one rule" he said as he a single rule that stood out
"Great! Get ready they'll be coming in a few days" she said bossing him a bit

She then vanished as he continued to read his book with an unfazed ease, sighing he picked up a piece of paper writing down what was needed.

"Take this to the nearby inn" he ordered as one of his spies was nearby
"Yes, sir" he said leaving

Fairy Tail Training Grounds

As the team was finishing up their training it had seemed it had been just a few days for them, but everything had changed.

"We were gone for so long" Lucy said looking down
"Yes, it is very unsettling" Erza said
"Well don't worry, we'll get Fairy Tail back where it belongs" Gray said with a determined smile
"That's right!" Natsu shouted

Makerov and Macao walked towards the long lost Fairy Tail members both smiling after reuniting with the others.

"Well it would seem that we are going to capital" Makerov announced
"What? Is it a bit early?" Lucy asked suprised
"Yes, but Macao says that if we get there early that we could get a decent hotel" he answered

Everyone was suprised, but nonetheless packed for their trip to the city which shouldn't take long a few days at the least.

The Capital

As the team entered the Capital awed at how the so much had changed, but how little the architecture hadn't. They then saw a young woman standing as if she was waiting, she then approached them with a smile.

"You must be Fairy Tail, I am here to escort you all to the Grand Hotel" she said bowing
"T-the Grand Hotel!?" Macao and some of the older members shouted in shock and suprise
"What is it?" Natsu asked confused as the other half
"The Grand Hotel, is one of the expensive hotels in the Capital" Macao answered
"It's nearly impossible to get a spot with the other guilds and plus we nearly broke!" Wakab

She then began to lead them to the hotel and as they entered they awed in amazement at how massive the building was, but Makerov was sweating at how much it would costed to stay.

"Umm...Excuse me miss?"
"How much will this all cost us?"
"You don't have to worry one bit about that all your rooms and accommodations have been paid for" she answered
"What? By who?" Gray asked
"By a.....Trafalgar Law" she said looking through her ledger
"Law?" Wendy asked at the sound of his name
"He's still here?" Erza asked in curiosity

After being given their keys it had seemed that there would be a enough room for all the members who came to share with, but before Makerov could go with them he had been stopped by a messenger who came with a note that said to met them in a alleyway by a tavern called "The Three Ogres".


After coming to the requested location he waited for a few minutes till he heard footsteps.

"Good you got my message" a voice called out

Revealing himself from the shadows it was Jellal who had his hood up so no one could recognize his face.

"Jellal, what are you doing here?" Makerov asked
"I've come with a request"
"Hmmm? And what request might that be?"
"Let me join your team"
"Sorry, but all positions have been filled" he answered
"Not so fast" he said

Looking around for anyone who had heard his little outburst he continued.

"There is a rule that says that if a guild is able they may register another team" Jellal explained

Before he could answer he heard a unexpected voice.

"Tell him no"

He then recognized it as master Vermillion who had tracked Makerov, doing his best not seem suprised he looked at Jellal who awaited his answer.

"Let me think about it, and get back to you tomorrow" he answered leaving
"This can't wait it has to be now" Jellal challenged
"Why not?"
"Because I feel an abnormal energy, and I need to know what it is"
"Are you sure about this?" Makerov asked both the master and Jellal
"The energy he speaks is precisely why I've enlisted the help of someone spspecial, now turn him down" she said firmly
"Yes I'm sure" Jellal said with determination

Makerov stood quietly and began to walk once more.

"Sorry, Jellal like I said all positions have been filled"

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