70 | Allison Argent

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As she spun around to face you, the corners of her mouth turned upwards into a smile as she had finally defeated the Oni

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As she spun around to face you, the corners of her mouth turned upwards into a smile as she had finally defeated the Oni. She didn't see the last remaining Oni step towards her with a sword that sliced through her stomach in one swift motion. You saw it all happen in slow motion, you tried to yell out to her but there was nothing you could do. Instead you ran towards her, kneeling down on the ground next to her and lifting her up onto your lap, hugging her close to you.

"I'm so sorry, Alli... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you this time." You tried to hold back the tears that were forming in your eyes, blurring your vision.

"It's okay, y/n. It's okay..." she inhaled wearily, trying to save her breath for what she had always wanted to tell you. She looked up at you, her pretty brown eyes now held a world of sadness in their depths, "I'm sorry I never got to tell you..." she struggled to speak now but she carried on because she was desperate for you to hear her next words, "I-I love you... y/n..."

You shook your head, disbelieving the sight in front of you, "Allison, please... stay with me." The tears trailed down your cheeks as blood started to pour from her mouth, your heart sunk as you realised there was nothing you could do to save her.

"Please... tell my dad, tell him-" she stuttered, finding it hard to speak.

You nodded, Allison's cheeks were glimmering with tears now too and you were unsure whether they were hers or yours. You reached up and wiped them away with your jumper sleeve, you noticed there was an eyelash on her cheek and you lightly held it between your fingers.

"Remember?" You asked her as she simply nodded, smiling up at you, her lips stained crimson red. You remembered when Allison had come to vets one night with an injured dog and you'd wiped an eyelash off of her cheek. You smiled at the happy memory, but it hurt knowing you'd never be able to make any more with her.

Allison took one last shaky breath and her eyes fluttered closed, her chest fell for the last time. You leaned over her body as more tears trailed down your cheeks.

You forgot to tell her that you loved her too.



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