bow your heads to a nations swinging axe.

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  • Dedicated to depression. thanks yah

bow your heads to a nations swinging axe.

she said


i'm going crazy in here



save me'

but no one ever came

and the darkness pressed in on her from all sides

she lay with her thoughts under a bleak starlight

candle snuffed out

because she couldn't bear to see the horror she had pursued until its evil

carved its way into her system

shown in every line and cut and burn and inch of hatred

she poured over herself like gasoline

she only needed a match

she only needed a match.

she fought a war with herself

until she choked on the pain

lungs filling with tar

suicide gripped every dream she ever thought she had

until every helpless plea came out as a drug-induced whisper

until at night, as her head hit the pillow, she dreamed of bridges,

and her body tumbling from the tallest one there was

and at night time,

she dipped soft

the very ends of her toes into the puddles of blood

that held every cruel thought that infested her mind like maggots

until maggots wormed their ways out of her eyeballs, because her brain was simply

a holiday home for the wicked

a tidal wave of black fear rose higher and higher over the rotten defences that still stood guard over her body - her mind was already too far gone, nothing left of that could be salvaged -

and with each and every breath her lungs filled with dread

she wished they would fill with smoke - but good smoke was becoming increasingly herder to find

- so she swam in the shit-stained oceans chasing pride in a heartless galleon

until, until, until

words meant nothing to her anymore

and the tidal wave reached its limit

and broke over her shore

consuming her in its perpetual darkness

spinning a dripping black tangled web of madness

and this sinking feeling never dies.

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