Girl. Reborn.

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Girl. Reborn.

i want someone to want to touch me

to put their fingers on my cheeks,

angle my head just that little bit

look right deep down into my eyes so it’s cliché

but not so cliché it feels unreal

just cliché enough to feel like your eyes are rock pools,

and they can search through every inch of murky water and algae covered rocks

to look sharp into your brain and just know

just understand.

i want someone to touch me and say

“love yourself”

“love yourself like i love you”

i want someone to watch me nod,

watch me hesitantly put my hands on my bumpy love-body

run my fingers down the mountains that i am made of

feel every path etched into my skin

that moreoftenthennot

are filled with tears like rivers. cold.

i want someone to encourage me with the slightest touch when i do good,

rub my thighs with hesitant hands,

feel through the stretch marks of red blue purple pink

to the flesh underneath

the strong woman loveable fuckable thighs beneath the fat

let me explore my body,

        let me be happy with my body.

i want someone to say

“your body is the most beautiful royal”

and i want someone to smile [stretch, stretch, smile, stretch] as i take off my skin

i want for once someone to not look away when my skin comes off

for every scar to fade into oblivion

when someone’s eyes only see flawless

don’t ignore just see past my top layer

i am a Girl. Reborn.

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