Hope of Love

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Poseidon's POV

I appeared within the foyer of my home and slumped against the wall. I know Athena doesn't mean half of what she says, but it still hurts. She had no right to say that after I saved her life. Yet, everything she said was true. Though I wanted to deny it, I can't help but be attracted to many different women; Athena included.

"Poseidon? You're back." I looked up into the eyes of  Amphitrite, my consort.  I closed my eyes then sighed. It has been a while since I've been home and I had almost forgotten about Amphitrite. Not, that she cared anyway. It is not as if we act like we are infatuated with one another. I wooed her almost 1000 years ago because I was desperate to marry. We were content, but I still cheated on her. With that premise, we decided to bide by our hearts and follow our own desires.

"Yes, it's been a while." She smiled then held out her hand.

"You need any help?"

"No, no, I'm fine," I said while standing up then ran my hands through my hair. "I'm surprised you're still here. I did say you could leave."

  Amphitrite snickered while twirling her blond hair. "Oh Poseidon, why would I want to give up a life of luxury? Seriously, if you're worried about if I love you or not then don't. We already agreed to just be friends." She paused then clasped her hands together. "Ah! As a matter of fact, I have something for you." 

The nymph swiftly turned around and walked, beckoning me to follow, to the middle of the throne room.
The room expanded out in 3 different directions known as the triads of the deep sea. Each path led to a divergent of passages through the sea. I had the builders specifically design, it this way so it may be easier for me to access tangent crossways.
Unlike Mount Olympus, there were no open areas to look out into the sky like other Greek sculptures, but I had a glass dome above the many preliminaries. Which of course I borrowed from the Romans. There was just something about their architecture, that I loved and wish to have with every turn I take.

"Look here Poseidon." I stood behind Amphitrite and looked over her shoulder. There sat a trunk of golden objects. From golden cups with rubies in every crevis of the golden jewelry.

"Where did you find this?"

The nymph smiled before she turned around. A small table was behind her and she seemed to linger while pulling out what seemed to be a letter. With that, she handed it to me with a chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

"Just read the letter." I looked down at the note and noticed it was already opened.

"You're reading my mail again?"

"Well, you weren't here so, yes."

I sighed with annoyance before opening the letter. Right then and there, did I already know who's handwriting this was.

Dear Poseidon,

I've told you this many times before, that I pity you. You, are a fool and would be even if you're memories were erased.
By I digress, I actually sent this letter to inform you I of my current mood due to your becomings...

Next time you come into my domain to ask for those wretched jewels, I'll burn you withered dick off and feed it to Cerberus.


"Hahaha!! I knew it! I knew your face would look exactly like that."

"Like what?"

"You know. Your eyebrows scrunched together, eye twitching, and--"

"Alright! Enough, I get it." I read over the note once more, double checking to see if I missed anything- then smiled.
It was so like Hades to write something like this, although he hates using expletive words, he will use them to make a point. A point that I will be sure to follow- well, only when I run out of jewels. Did Hades really think that this was enough? Sorry big bro, but it's not.
"Shame, and I was actually beginning to get along with him."

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