Alliance of Love...Well Maybe Not

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Coming out of the water with Poseidon felt extremely awkward. The air and its means to dry me did not need to do so, for I was already dry. My hair was extremely curly and softer than ever before, most likely due to the amounts of salt in the water but none of that mattered now. The only thing on my mind was the kiss Poseidon and I just shared. I had so many questions for him especially since he didn't state his feelings directly. Well, it's not as if I did either. So I guess we're both at a stand still until this whole marriage matter is resolved. That is why I'm following him to talk with Hades.

"Poseidon, I'm a hundred percent sure Hades will not abide by this...plan of yours."

"Do not doubt that I am very convincing. I've been told that a bunch of times."

Where the hell did he hear that from? Probably from those stuck up nymphs he always with.

"But this is Hades we are talking about and you know he hates you." I put and emphasis on the word hate knowing that I really wanted to loathe.

"My brother does not hate me...probably."

I sighed and continued to follow the sea god, hoping that he knew what he was getting himself into.


"What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I just send you a chest filled with immaculate jewels? Don't tell me your blind, now?"

"Hahaha! Oh, my dear brother, how I miss this sarcastic attitude of yours. We should hang out more often, huh? What do you say?"

I could practically see Hade's anger spread about in the darkness that surrounded us making me sigh at Poseidon's attempt to friend a god who loathes him. I mean has he forgotten what happened last time? Honestly, he was just as bad a Zeus at one point until I realized that it was all a ruse. He just wanted to have some fun and didn't expect things to go haywire. At least, that's the way I saw it.

"Enough of this. Hades', we need your help."

"Ha! Doesn't everybody. You have no idea how many times I've heard that phrase and have gotten nothing in return."

"Even if it's to finally put a stop to Zeus?" I didn't miss the intrigued quirk of his eyebrow but it was gone quickly after.

"As of right now, Zeus and I have no quarrels. If you have one, then deal with it yourself."

"Your deduced reasoning about Zeus has become quite soft, hasn't it?" Persephone emerged from the dark doorway looking like the goddess she has always been. 

"Lady Athena." She bowed slightly.

"No need for formalities, for we are sisters."

"Sisters? That's only of I claimed Zeus to be my father which I do not." She leaned close to Hades and wrapped her arm around his. "Even more so when he hurt my husband which brings me to the fact why I don't like this... sea god either."

"Now, now, dear Persephone, I mean no harm. I truly wish to bring about a coup'de'tat." Persephone laughed mockingly before sensually standing on her tippy toes to whisper in Hades' ear. Hades smiled a bit before nodding.

"I will not help you directly but I will send Thanatos with you for a means to escape."

"...Do you not trust my power brother? You doubt that I will win?"

"I don't doubt anything except for coincidences and failures. I only know that if you try to bring Zeus down, the balance of the universe will be destroyed. And also," Hades muttered before waving his hand bringing about a portal, "Zeus holds on to one of the keys that seal's Kronos and without it...the world will be lost. So no, I will not help you."

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the portal revealing the presence of Thanatos. "M'Lord, how may I service you?" He bowed respectfully not batting an eye at our standing. Well, it is a well-known fact that Hades has a ton of servants that respect him but this is just the first time I've seen it.

"Use your powers to guide the sea god and Athena back home safely if things don't go well with Zeus. I expect you to be back by nightfall."

"Will do M'Lord."

"So I'm just a sea god to you now? Nothing more?"

"You know Poseidon, there was a time where I once thought of you as my loving little brother but...none of that matters anymore. It is not that I hold a grudge against you, it is just that...I tolerate you."

I could see those words stung Poseidon to the core, making me want to comfort him. But, I also understand where Hades is coming from; the sea god did play him for a fool.

"Well... I thank you for asking Thanatos to join us, brother." Hades acknowledge him with a low bow before he turned around.

"I wish you all the luck I can give, Athena."

"Thank you, Persephone."

"And one more thing." Persephone leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I hope you know what you're doing when you claim to love Poseidon because I don't know if I would fully trust him."

I instantly moved back and stared at her with disbelief. "You don't have the right to say anything, sister, for I have known him longer than you ever will!"

"What's wrong, Athena," Poseidon said from beside me.

"Nothing, let us go already. I tire of being in the presence of these underworld gods."

Persephone scoffed before smiling as of she didn't insult me. "My mistake, I have no luck to give for a goddess who believes that a man who can betray both his brothers in five centuries can ever be trusted. But... I will say that I admire your trust, goddess of wisdom."

 I continued walking on, trying to ignore her truthful words.

 "Just don't forget who you've cursed on the way to get to this point. She still lingers and her hate beckons you. Once she finds out that you and Poseidon are together, I'm sure she will want her true form of beauty back."

At this point, I knew exactly who she was talking about. Medusa... I cursed her out of jealousy and if she finds out that I am in love with Poseidon, I believe she will come after me once again. Maybe I was wrong but I am not able to give up on my true feelings, no matter what everyone else thinks of Poseidon... or even me.

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