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"no! i refuse!" i say loudly. i don't want to cry, but leaving hoseok without a proper goodbye makes me want to run back to him. at least he's seen my text; the last thing i want to do is put him in danger.

"but son, don't you see how profitable it is to work with me? people would literally die to be in this position."

my father was a horrid, cruel human. he believes the only way to get what he wants is to kill. kill innocent children, women and men. my mother was too afraid to challenge him, already realising her mistake once she married him. i want to leave this family and focus on my music career instead but father was having none of that of course.

"no, this is all wrong! you shouldn't kill to get what you want! you're only interested in drugs and alcohol anyway. i'm not surprised mum ran away!"
this seemed to have angered him more.

"don't you dare speak about your mother to my face! she couldn't handle the truth, that's not my fault. besides, i never loved her anyway!" my father responds coldly, carelessly admitting the last sentence. that was the last straw.

without thinking, i stepped out from the shadows and swung my fist at his face. but alas, being the leader of a very large gang has its perks. i was immediately grabbed and thrown on the floor, my dad's minions acting quickly. i heard the click and felt cold metal pressed against my head: a gun.

"now, we do this the easy way or the hard way. speak another word and i will not hesitate to shoot. got it?" i snarl at his ugly, scarred face and the gun barrel is pressed harder into my recovering temple. i wince at the sharp pain; to think i was still in the hospital twenty four hours ago. i have no choice but to listen and obey.

"yoongi, you know how long i have waited for you to come of age. you could become a big influence to any newcomers after you. you know how to use a gun and you're agile and quick on your feet. all i'm asking is for you to join me and follow in my footsteps. i'll be peaceful once i know the 교활한 [insidious] will be in good hands." i'm only half listening, all i can think about is hoseok.

"yoongi, are you listening son?" i snap back to reality.

"you may speak," my father says, authority clear in his voice. i feel the gun being pulled away.
"i need time. this isn't a decision i can make up on the spot. i don't want to make the wrong one father," i respond clearly, not a hint of doubt in my voice, despite my situation. my father looks thoughtful for a second before the gun is, once again, pressed against my head.

"you have 3 days. by then, i expect the right desicion. even if you run away, i will find you eventually." his body guards release their death grip on me and i quickly regain my composure. the sun is only just rising and the city is still asleep. i'm sorry hoseok.

yoongi wyd?¿

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